Discussing Tracer Study Achievements and Collaboration and Public Relations Management, Udayana University Receives a Visit from ISI Surakarta

Udayana University (Unud) received a visit from the Surakarta Indonesian Art Institute, located in the Nusa Room, 3rd Floor, Unud Rectorate Building, Jimbaran (Tuesday, 12/12/23). This visit was received by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D, accompanied by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations and Chair of UPKA Udayana University. Meanwhile, from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta, Vice Rector III, Dr. Sugeng Nugroho, S.Kar., M.Sn. along with the ranks of the Surakarta Indonesian Art Institute.

This visit was in order to dig up information regarding the implementation of the Tracer Study and the governance of Cooperation and Public Relations at Udayana University. The Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University on this occasion gave a glimpse of the governance of tracer studies along with the governance of cooperation at Udayana University, and continued technically about the implementation of tracer studies by the Chair of UPKA Unud and the field of Cooperation and Public Relations by the Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations.

ISI Surakarta on this occasion said that in particular the management of tracer studies has not been well managed, so efforts are needed to increase the percentage of achievements as has been done at Udayana University. Other things discussed also related to the efforts made by Udayana University in managing public relations, university branding, especially PPID management and the achievements made by Unud in participating in the Public Information Openness Award.

On this occasion, ISI Surakarta also invited the Chair of UPKA Unud as a resource person in the implementation of tracer study activities which will be carried out by ISI Surakarta in the third week of December 2023.