Udayana University Participates in 2023 Public Information Openness Monitoring and Evaluation Public Test, Presents Asset Digitalization Innovation

Udayana University (Unud) took part in the 2023 Public Body Information Disclosure Monitoring and Evaluation Public Test Presentation organized by the Central Information Commission of the Republic of Indonesia at the Grand Mercure Hotel Kemayoran Jakarta, Thursday (30/11/23).

This presentation is the 2nd stage of selection which was carried out after previously Udayana University fulfilled the requirements in filling out the KIP Monitoring and Evaluation data collection questionnaire together with other Public Bodies in Indonesia such as Ministries, Provincial Governments, State Institutions, non-Ministerial Government Institutions, Universities, Non-Institutions Structural, BUMN, and Political Parties.

Of the 149 tertiary institutions in Indonesia, only 48 tertiary institutions including Unud that passed the 2nd stage selection had the opportunity to test presentations explaining innovation and strategy in implementing public information services.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana who is also the Superior Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) accompanied by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University who is also the Chair of PPID Unud took the time to attend directly and present the form of Public Information Openness at Unud, one of which was through Asset Digitalization innovation.

Udayana University made a presentation in the third session on the third day together with two other universities, namely Bangka Belitung University and Bengkulu University.

"Unud must continue to improve and develop public information openness, so far the Unud PPID team has worked hard for this, we appreciate it. "Let's commit together from the rectorate, faculties, to study programs to carry out public information disclosure, of course in accordance with applicable regulations and laws, because not all information can be released to the public, because there is information that is designated as exempt information," said Prof. Ngakan Suardana.