Udayana University Holds Socialization and Workshop on PDDikti and PIN Governance, Invites Resource Persons from Dikti

Udayana University (Unud) held a Socialization and Workshop on SOPs for PDDikti Reporting Management Mechanisms and PIN Management Mechanisms at Udayana University at Four Points by Sheraton, Ungasan - Bali, Tuesday (28/11/2023). This activity, which was opened directly by the Rector of Unud, presented speakers from Belmawa and Higher Education. The speakers who attended included Satria Akbar Saputra, S.H., Rifqi A'Zhom Muta'Allimin, S.Pd., Dany Prima Kresnala, Franova Herdiyanto, S.Kom., M.T.I., David Aulia Akbar Adhieputra, S.Kom., M.T.I., Abdul Naser Rafi'i Attamimi, S.Si. and Muhammad Iqbal. Apart from Unud, this activity was also attended by participants from Undiksha and ISI Denpasar.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that the management of the Higher Education Database or (PDDIKTI) and the management of the PIN System are two vital things that need special attention in relation to efforts to develop the world of higher education in Indonesia, especially at Udayana University. Therefore, it is necessary to have a PDDIKTI management mechanism and correct management of the PIN system in the field of higher education quality, in order to create good data conditions within the Udayana University environment.

To ensure that this management can run effectively, it is deemed necessary to formulate and/or improve supporting regulations in the form of a standard operating procedure (SOP) which functions as a reference. Before conducting a more in-depth discussion regarding the formulation and/or improvement of supporting regulations, in the form of standard operating procedures (SOP), PDDikti reporting management mechanisms and PIN management mechanisms in higher education environments, it is deemed necessary to first align perceptions regarding governance and regulation making. support (SOP) in the academic process at Udayana University.

All parties responsible for managing PDDikti reporting and managing the PIN system in higher education must have a uniform perspective on many things, including a curriculum that complies with applicable regulations, calculating study periods in line with applicable regulations, and understanding PIN principles. and Eligible PIN requirements, and good and correct PDDikti reporting techniques.

"Based on these thoughts, it is clear that this workshop activity is considered very important to be held in a higher education environment," said the Rector of Unud.

On this occasion, the Rector asked all participants present to focus on taking part in this activity considering that the activities carried out were very important and to present resource persons directly from Dikti who would also provide assistance and improvements to our PDDikti. PDDikti is very vital because everything is there, therefore the party invites us to jointly improve our PDDikti and the Study Program so that we continue to monitor this PDDikti so that there are no mistakes, because there are many things related to this PDDikti. It is hoped that this activity will provide positive benefits for the technical management of PDDikti reporting and PIN management at Udayana University.

The material presented by the resource person can also be watched again via Udayana TV's YouTube.