Udayana University Archives Unit Holds Workshop on Formation of LKPTNBH and Development of Archives Human Resources

In the framework of the transformation process of Udayana University (Unud) into a Legal Entity Higher Education Institution (PTNBH), it is deemed necessary to form the Unud PTNBH Archives Institute which houses educational staff with the functional position of archivist. Therefore, the Udayana University Archives Unit held a Workshop on the Formation of LKPTNBH and Development of Human Resources for Archives at Udayana University at the Bali Tropic Resort & Spa Nusa Dua. The workshop was held for two days from 27 to 28 November 2023 which was officially opened by the Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, SE., MM and attended by Young Expert Archivists and Associate Expert Archivists at Udayana University and at outside Unud such as the Bali State Polytechnic.

Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Si as chairman of the committee said, currently there are 38 archivists at Udayana University from the initial 52 people, in 2020 there will be equalization of archivists, therefore we want to continue to provide various kinds of additional knowledge so that all of these archivists can later be able to carry out what their duties should be. Archivist activities at Udayana University are carried out very routinely, as was the case several weeks ago when archives were destroyed.

"Now we will present a resource person from the National Archivist of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) because recently the transformation of regulations has been so fast that we are still groping and suddenly there are new regulations. Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PERMEN PANRB) Number 1 of 2023 has not changed much, because other functional positions that follow the pattern of archivist credit figures previously had conversion, integration and conventional, and it turns out that the middle path taken by the PERMEN PANRB is conversion so that friends in other functional positions follow the credit number system in the archivist," said the Chair of the Committee.

In this case it was also conveyed regarding Udayana University which is currently being transformed towards PTNBH, apart from that it is also related to institutions and position maps, therefore it is hoped that the resource persons will be able to provide an overview and input later on other archival institutions at PTNBH so that what the activities are Today we can be used as material to provide input back to the Udayana University PTNBH Team. ANRI is a regulator, so if the participants here have complaints related to archivists, please convey them so that later these complaints can be accommodated with what is happening below, if later there is a policy for drafting regulations so that they will be able to map the situation below more accurately.

Meanwhile, the Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, in her speech expressed her thanks and welcome to the resource persons who had attended, as well as the participants from all archivists within Unud and from outside Unud. These archivist participants were part of the equalization several years ago and there are also pure archivists. It is hoped that this workshop activity can provide enlightenment to participants in the archives unit and also provide understanding if they later transform to PTNBH.

"The archivists at Udayana University now have a parent and have been guided by senior archivists, so when it has the status of a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH), we really need a clear understanding of where the parent is, what the system is like, because if "After having PTNBH status, his superior will no longer serve as Head of Bureau, that's why our direction is to LKPTNBH," said the Head of the General Bureau.

This workshop presented two speakers from the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), namely Diantyo Nugroho, SH., MH, with a presentation of material entitled "Establishment of State University Archives Institutions as Legal Entities", and Damaris Butar Butar, SE, with a presentation of material entitled Development Functional Position of Archivist.