Application for the Establishment of a Subspecialty Study Program in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Unud, Entering the Visitation Stage of the Institutional Directorate Team

Denpasar - The Team of the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology conducted a Field Visit on the Application for the Establishment of a Subspecialty Study Program in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud), Thursday (23/11/2023). Reception of the Institutional Directorate Team was held in the Prof. Meeting Room. Dr. R.M Moerdowo Angsoka Building RSUP Prof. Ngoerah.

This activity was attended by the Rector of Unud, Chair of the Institution, Head of UPT Library Unud, USDI, Dean and Vice Dean of FK Unud, Senate of FK Unud, Managing Director of RSUP Prof. Ngoerah, Professors, Heads of Departments, Educators and other guests. Meanwhile, the team from the Institutional Directorate consisted of Dr. Soetrisno Soemardjo., MA., (LAMPTKES), Prof. Dr. Dany Hilmanto, dr., Sp.AK (Assessor), dr. Mila Maidarti, SpOG-KFER, PhD (IDI), Dr. Dr. Maftuchah Rochmanti., M.Kes (AIPKI), Dr. Dr. Arie Utariani, SpAn-KAP (ARSPI), dr. Sudirman Katu, SpPD, K-PTI, FINASIM (College of Internal Medicine), Sefryan Daru Sasongko., S.Kom (Institutional Directorate), Abdul Rosyid., S.Kom (Institutional Directorate) and Dodhi Widyatnoko., S.Gz. , M.K.M.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., PhD., IPU in his speech said that efforts to apply for the establishment of a subspecialty study program in internal medicine began in 2020, and had gone through the administrative evaluation stages through SIAGA and evaluation by evaluators/assessors. A visitation was also carried out by the Indonesian Medical Council in early 2023.

"Regarding the arrival of the joint visitation team today, we hope to clarify the requirements for meeting the minimum standards for establishing a study program which includes aspects of curriculum, human resources, infrastructure, as well as governance and quality assurance by the Study Program Management Unit," said Prof. Ngakan.

It was further stated that in an effort to meet these minimum standards, the study program and UPPS have prepared a curriculum that refers to the educational standards set by the collegium for internal medicine as stipulated in Perkonsil No. 72 of 2020. The human resources of the lecturers have also met the standards to teach 8 Interests submitted. In terms of governance, UPPS has 34 study programs, with 22 study programs accredited Excellent or A, and 11 accredited Very Good or B, as well as 1 new study program, namely the Thoracic Cardiac Vascular Surgery Specialist Study Program. This shows the effective governance capacity of UPPS in managing education and efforts to ensure the quality of education implementation which is carried out systematically and continuously.

Proposing the establishment of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program is one of the strategic steps of FK Unud to meet the sufficient number of internal medicine subspecialist professional staff to provide complete health services in anticipation of global or regional challenges in the health sector. Therefore, he hopes that the visitation team can provide valuable input so that the establishment of this study program can be realized immediately.

Director of RSUP Prof. Ngoerah dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes said that currently the Ministry of Health is concentrating on the health service reform or transformation program through six pillars of health service transformation, one of which is the transformation of referral health services. With Prof Ngoerah Hospital's position as a referral center and also a provider, of course one of the things that supports this program is human resource support which is currently also a problem in meeting its needs, namely subspecialist doctors. Thus, his party really welcomes the establishment of this subspecialty study program and is very supportive and together with Unud is making maximum efforts to facilitate this program regarding the required infrastructure and human resources.

Meanwhile, Team Leader Dr. Soetrisno Soemardjo., MA on this occasion said that in this team his party coordinates all aspects of health. He also appreciated FK Unud for helping the government in preparing a new study program where all the requirements had been fulfilled. After carrying out this visitation, the party will make a report which will be submitted to the Directorate General of Education and Research and Technology to be forwarded to LAMPTKes and validated. If there are no problems, recommendations will be given which will later be submitted to the Minister of Education and Research and Technology. After receiving permission to open, it is hoped that this study program can later be developed.