The Office of International Affairs Udayana University Holds a Study Abroad Seminar, Opening Up Opportunities for Masters Study at the First University in Australia

Students' interest in studying abroad is increasing day by day, which is also accompanied by more information about study opportunities abroad. Tuesday (21/11) the International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University (Unud) held an information seminar on studying abroad entitled "Study at Australia's 1st University" by inviting the University of Sydney (USYD).

Putu Ayu Asty Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D as Coordinator of KUI Unud opened this event while giving a short speech and hoped that the participants would use the knowledge provided to be able to continue their master's studies in Australia.

This seminar invited two speakers from USYD, namely Riko Kho as Senior Country Manager and Anna Kirkham as International Development & Scholarship Manager who provided information on how to continue studying at USYD. In this seminar, scholarship opportunities that students can achieve are also discussed. The event ended with a discussion and question and answer session.