Udayana University Professional Certification Institute Holds Training and Certification Test for Competency Assessor Candidates

The Udayana University (Unud) Professional Certification Institute (LSP) held a Training and Certification Test event for Competency Assessor Candidates at the Udayana University Professional Certification Institute at the Nirmala Hotel & Convention Center Denpasar. This training was held from 20 to 24 November 2023 and was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, who on this occasion was represented by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU.

The event began with a report from the committee chairman, Dr. Putu Saroyeni Piartrini, SE., AK., MM, in this case said that Training and Certification activities for Assessor Candidates is one of the main tasks of LSP Unud in providing examiners (Assessors) to support and improve the performance of LSP in administering competency certification for students in Udayana University environment as stipulated in statutory regulations. The development of the certification scope, which is currently in process, requires the support of adequate assessment implementing resources. This activity was attended by 32 lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and the Nusa Dua Tourism Polytechnic, and guided by four Master Assessors assigned by the National Professional Certification Agency, namely; Agus Subagyo, Benny Bunyamin, I Ketut Sutapa and Ni Wayan Wulaningsih.

"Thank you to the Rector of Udayana University for the support provided in strengthening the professional certification system, especially in developing LSP Unud certification resources to increase capacity to increase the number of competency certified students which is one indicator of the realization of quality, relevant and competitive learning outcomes in the job market in accordance with industry demands and applicable regulations," said the Chair of the Committee.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Rai Maya Temaja in her speech said, on various occasions, I always convey that graduate competency as formulated as learning outcomes is one measure of the effectiveness of the learning process carried out and an indicator of the suitability of the quality of educational output with industry needs to be accepted in the work position we call as a graduate profile according to the discipline studied.

In an environment of increasingly sharp employment competition both nationally and regionally, we are required to develop and improve the learning process on an ongoing basis. The realization of Unud's vision is superior, independent and cultured, requiring the ability to help students build competencies that suit the needs of society in a valid and credible manner. I support the implementation of work competency certification as a complementary process and validity test that is independent, systematic and objective through competency tests in accordance with Indonesian national work competency standards, international standards, or special standards as determined by applicable legislation.

Improving the quality of Unud graduates is a necessity to be able to compete nationally, ASEAN regionally and globally because the integration of economic communities in the ASEAN region creates tighter competition in the job market, including competition for labor in the health services industry, tourism, logistics services, transportation services. air, agriculture, electronics, fisheries, automotive and wood products which then demands strengthening the competitiveness of professions in the fields of health, tourism, telecommunications, logistics, construction, education, finance, agro-industry, automotive, which are the arena of competition for graduates of undergraduate and vocational study programs in Unud environment.

Thus, the number of higher education graduates who are certified in competency or profession is an indicator of institutional achievements to ensure the competitiveness of graduates and increase the absorption of graduates by national and regional industry. Organizing professional certification is one of the efforts to maintain and develop professional competency certification resources and the function of the Unud professional certification body in harmony with implementing the national professional certification policy and providing guaranteed link and match with the needs of the world of work through aligning our learning outcomes with the national qualification framework and competency standards national work.