Udayana University BPU Holds Business and Management Training "Tax Aspects in Business"

The Business Management Agency (BPU) of Udayana University (Unud), Friday (17/11/2023) held Business and Management Training for business unit managers with the topic "Tax Aspects in Business" at the Nation Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building.

Resource person for activities Dr. Naniek Noviari, S.E., M.Si, Ak explained the importance of understanding and correct implementation regarding taxes, both income tax and value added tax. Moreover, Unud has been designated as a Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) since 2020. Mistakes in withholding/collecting tax have the potential to result in tax debt.

BPU Director Dr. Sayu Ketut Sutrisna Dewi, S.E., M.M., Ak on this occasion emphasized that all business unit managers should always increase their knowledge about business and management, including taxes so that businesses can operate and develop well and comply with regulations.