Expanding Research Collaboration Network, Udayana University Holds Seminar on Strategy and Funding Opportunities for International Research Collaboration

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held a Seminar on Strategies and Funding Opportunities for International Research Collaboration at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (2/11/2023). The seminar, which was opened directly by the Plt Rector of Udayana University, was carried out in order to expand the collaboration network and increase the ability of researchers at Udayana University to open up opportunities for research collaboration with researchers from partner institutions abroad. Three speakers were presented at the seminar, namely the Director of Research and Innovation Licensing Governance and Scientific Authority of the National Research Agency, Tri Sundari, S.Si, Apt., M.HS, Gadjah Mada University-Austria Cooperation Coordinator Prof. Dr. rer.Nat Harno Dwi Pranowo, MS and Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation at Tadulako University Dr.sc.agr. Alyen Tjoa.

The material presented in the seminar was New Insights on Regulations and Support Systems for International Research Collaboration by Tri Sundari, Strategies and Funding Opportunities for International Research Collaboration by Prof. Harno Dwi Pranowo, and Funding Strategies and Opportunities for Tadulako University Best Practice International Cooperation Proposals by Dr. Aiyen Tjoa.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Si., M.Si., Apt in his report said that this seminar was one of Udayana University's efforts to move towards becoming a World Class University. Three speakers have been presented who will share how the government supports us in opening up opportunities for international cooperation as well as best practices from Gadjah Mada University and Tadulako University.

"Through today's seminar, it is hoped that Udayana University will be able to play a big role and become part of research collaboration between universities throughout Indonesia with international research funds," said the Chairman of the Committee.

He also hopes that the researchers present can be a source of inspiration in their respective study programs and can build multidisciplinary collaborations. With increasingly developing research, it is hoped that Udayana University will be able to become a large university like the majestic name of Prabu Udayana.

Meanwhile the Plt Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU in his speech said that research is one part of the Tridharma of higher education that must be fulfilled, especially for a lecturer. Regarding opportunities to obtain funding for international research collaboration, especially within Udayana University. In 2023, Udayana University has launched the International Partnership Institution-based Research (INSPIRE) grant. This grant is intended so that institutions, in this case faculties and study programs at Udayana University, have international research collaboration with world universities in WUR QS100.

"Through this competitive grant, we hope to encourage faculty leaders to compete by inviting lecturers to increase international networks and collaborate in conducting research and publishing research results in internationally reputable journals," said Prof. Ngakan.

As a form of confirmation, that through the INSPIRE grant, Udayana University actually not only facilitates funding for lecturers in international research, but also provides opportunities for all lecturers within Unud to collaborate between researchers from various countries.

The Plt Rector hopes that the resource persons will be willing to provide a lot of information regarding international research collaboration funding and at the same time share tips with seminar participants to equip themselves in taking part in international research collaboration funding competitions.