Udayana University Agribusiness Master's Study Program Visited by Assessor Team, Conducted Field Assessment

The BAN-PT Assessor Team conducted a field assessment at the Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud) which took place online via Zoom Meeting, Thursday (26/10/2023). The opening of the assessment was attended by Plt. Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and staff, Chair of LP3M, Chair of LP2M, USDI Representative, Head of Library, Coordinator of the Agribusiness Masters Study Program and staff, Lecturers, Education Staff, Alumni, and student representatives.

The assessors present were Prof. Dr. Ir. Irfan Suliansyah, M.S. from Andalas University and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitti Bulkis, M.S. from Hasanuddin University.

Plt. Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that the Master of Agribusiness Study Program had previously received a superior accreditation rating through the Convertible Supplement Instrument (ISK) since May 24 2023, which is valid until May 31 2027. On October 5 2023 he received a letter from BAN -PT, which informed Udayana University to carry out the third stage of monitoring.

In carrying out this field assessment, it is hoped that input and direction will be provided regarding the Agribusiness Masters Study Program in accordance with current conditions and facts. Apart from that, it is also hoped that the Agribusiness Master's Study Program can remain in superior accredited status. "Hopefully what we are doing today will get the best results for the Agribusiness Masters Study Program, and also of course for Udayana University," said Plt. Rector.

Meanwhile, Head of the Assessor Team, Prof. Dr. Ir. Irfan Suliansyah, M.S. said that the assessors received an assignment from BAN-PT to carry out a field assessment which had previously carried out an adequacy assessment of the PEPA which the Agribusiness Masters Study Program had sent to BAN-PT. Of course, the assessors hope that this field assessment can produce the best for the Agribusiness Masters Study Program at Udayana University.