Udayana University Postgraduate Program Holds System Dynamics Talkshow to Strengthen Research and Development Planning

Udayana University (Unud) Postgraduate held a Talkshow entitled "System Dynamics for Strengthening Research and Development Planning", Friday (27/20/2922) which took place in the Postgraduate Hall, 3rd Floor, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. This talk show was held on the 31st anniversary of the Postgraduate Program on October 6 2023.

This event was attended by the Head of the Bali Province Regional Development Planning Agency, the Vice Rectors of Unud, the Deans of the Faculty of Unud, the Chair of LP3M, the Chair of LPPM, Bureaus, Heads of Study Programs in the Postgraduate environment, Postgraduate Lecturers, and Doctoral and Masters Program Students.

Postgraduate Director Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., IPU., ASEAN.Eng in his speech said that the talk show was also intended to promote a new study program, namely Sustainable Development and Finance in the Postgraduate Masters Program in collaboration with BAPPENAS and OJK which was an official decree from the Ministry for the program This study was published on June 6 2023. This new study program has been opened and received 24 new students in its first class. This talkshow presented two speakers, namely the Head of BAPPEDA Bali Province and the Indonesian System Dinamics Center.

Apart from holding a talk show, there was also an inauguration of the health law master's student association and the launch of the Health Law Clinic Advocacy Institute. It is hoped that this talk show will provide benefits for the students and other participants who attend.

Meanwhile Plt. Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU in his speech said that the leadership of Unud always provides encouragement and support for various forms of innovation carried out by Postgraduate, such as forming new multi-disciplinary study programs that are needed by society. Unud is moving towards PTN BH, and hopefully in 2024 Unud will be successful in becoming PTN BH. It is hoped that this talk show will provide benefits for the students and participants who attend, especially in developing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.