Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Youngest Faculty at Udayana University is 12 Years Old

The Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Udayana University (FKP Unud) held the 12th Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Family Body (BKFKP) right in the Hall of the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Friday (13/10/23). This celebration was marked by the cutting of tumpeng by the Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nuarsa, M.Sc.

Chairman of the BKFKP Committee, Gede Surya Indrawan, S.Si., M.Si, in his speech said that this year's FKP 12th Anniversary carries the theme "Dvasasa Abhyakta FKP Udayana, Synergizing to Build Achievements". Dvasasa means twelve, while Abhyakta means developing. Hopefully the entire Academic Community at the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries can work together to build achievements towards a victorious FKP.

The FKP 12th Anniversary series began with the implementation of community service on 8 and 9 October 2023, with the theme Coral Transplantation and Beach Clean Up which was held in Bunutan Village, Karangasem and Pandawa Beach, Badung. On the afternoon of October 10 2023, a friendly event was held between the FKP academic community, featuring art or music from all FKP student generations, and on this day a campus clean-up, morning exercise and various competitions were held. "I would like to thank all parties who have contributed to the success of this activity, especially the entire committee who have worked hard in organizing today's event," said the Chair of the Committee.

Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nuarsa, M.Sc. On this occasion, he expressed his appreciation and thanks to the leaders who were willing to attend today's 12th BKFKP celebration activities. On this occasion the Dean also explained various information related to FKP including the history of the formation of the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries which was established on October 10 2011, the current condition of the FKP campus which has a new building located in Bukit Jimbaran, Accreditation of superior study programs in the Marine Science Study Program and good once in the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, the establishment of two new study programs, namely the Undergraduate Study Program in Aquaculture and the Master's Study Program in Marine Technology, Internationalization Program, National and International Grant Winners, Targets and Achievements of the 2023 FKP IKU, FKP planning for the future and FKP supports transformation of Unud towards PTNBH.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU in his speech congratulated the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for holding its 12th anniversary activities. The hope is that in 2023 the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will be more advanced and successful in the future. "It was very nice to see the presentation given by the Dean of FKP, and we saw various achievements, even though FKP only has two Study Programs," he said.

The Vice Rector also hopes that all faculties within Unud will at least have the facilities and infrastructure for a smooth teaching and learning process. At the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries the study programs are very good, one is superior and the other is very good and soon we will improve water resource management, especially PD Dikti data. Then for Marine Science, even though we are already superior, please don't be complacent, because at any time the shadow of PEPA can appear, therefore whatever we do, we hope to report it well. "Hopefully in the future we can all work together to achieve achievements, maintain what is already superior, in the future we will move forward together to do better," stressed Prof. Rai.