Preparing Students for ON-MIPA, Udayana University Holds 2024 ON-MIPA Team Selection

Udayana University (Unud) held the ON-MIPA (National Olympiad in Mathematics and Science) Team Selection for 2024 at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (4/10/2023). The selection was opened directly by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs at Udayana University and attended by Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Agriculture, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Chair and Secretary of the Reasoning and Creativity Unit, Coordinator of Student Interests, Reasoning and Information along with Sub Coordinators and the Question Formulation Team as well as Supervisors.

Chairman of the Committee I Putu Tedy Indrayana, S.Pd., M.Sc in his report conveyed that this selection was in order to prepare the ON-MIPA Unud Team for later in 2024. This was done earlier based on the results of the meeting which was held at the Center for Student Creativity and Achievement, because reflecting on previous years, we really have to make even harder preparations because of competition at the national level with large campuses whose input includes OSN alumni and international ones. Unud has passed the national selection several times even though it is not yet at the stage of receiving an award medal and that means we have to prepare ourselves well. This selection was attended by 44 participants from five faculties. Invitations were sent to eight faculties but only students from five faculties participated, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

"So we hope that with these 44 participants, we will actually carry out a selection where the five best participants from each field will be selected who will then be trained as soon as possible. So we will carry out the training starting as soon as it is announced on October 11, we I'm ready to do coaching," said the Chairman of the Committee.

Through this opportunity, the Chair of the Committee also expressed his thanks to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs for truly supporting this activity. He also hopes that students will work hard to become Olympic champions, don't just start learning when they want to compete.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D, IPU., ASEAN Eng. In his speech, he said that the team was very enthusiastic about encouraging students towards ON MIPA, all teams moved massively and very quickly for all competition activities, so students were also enthusiastic. The Vice Chancellor expressed his appreciation for the performance that had been carried out.

The Vice Rector further said that this selection was indeed brought forward earlier, as were other student activities, of course this was in order to prepare as well as possible so that students were truly ready to take part in the competition later. So far, the Unud Team has always qualified for regional and national levels but has not received a medal. This is a tough task together, so we must seriously take part in this activity, so that we don't lose out to other universities. We have to show that we are capable. There are several achievements that have been achieved, such as at NUDC, KDMI and similar events held by Puspresnas.

Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector also asked the Team to check on students on the PJMP route if there were any who went through OSN so that they would be asked to participate. Incentives have also been prepared for students who achieve national achievements. The Vice Rector hopes that in the future someone will be able to qualify for the national level and win a medal.