Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Holds National Seminar, Sustainable Energy Transformation for Advanced Indonesia: The Role of Education, Innovation and Technology

Jimbaran - Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University (Unud) held a National Seminar with the theme "Sustainable Energy Transformation for Advanced Indonesia: The Role of Education, Innovation and Technology" at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (26/9/2023). This National Seminar was held in series to commemorate the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University and the 58th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering (BKFT).

The seminar presented three speakers, namely Member of Commission X DPR RI, PAN Fraction, Prof. Dr. Zainuddin Maliki, M.Si who joined online with material on Sustainable Energy Education and Energy Technology Innovation in Higher Education; Tantowi Yahya President of United in Diversity Foundation with material on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Energy Transformation; and Prof. Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari Head of Center of Excellence in Community Based Renewable Energy (CORE) Udayana University with material on Bali Towards Net Zero Emission 2045.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Unud Prof. Linawati in her report said that this seminar took a trending topic at the moment, namely energy transformation, because we know that currently in various important state meetings and conferences everyone is discussing the energy transition, because this energy has a big impact because in developing countries many people still use fossil energy. . That's why, in commemorating the 58th BKFT and also celebrating the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University, this activity was held.

Through this seminar, the party wants to invite the academic community to think about how the Faculty of Engineering and Udayana University can play an active role in providing ideas and innovations in us carrying out sustainable energy transformation. For this reason, it requires contributions of thought from three sources representing the world of academia, legislature and sources who have talent and experience.

"We want to show how the Faculty of Engineering also plays a role in taking policies on how this energy transition can be carried out quickly," said Prof. Lina.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. In his speech and opening this event, I Nyoman Gde Antara said that Indonesia's dependence on fossil energy has become a big challenge in maintaining energy security and sustainable growth. Apart from the economic impact, the use of fossil energy also has serious impacts on the environment and society. Therefore, switching to renewable and sustainable energy is felt to be able to overcome these various problems.

Indonesia, as one of the countries with significant levels of emissions, has the opportunity to play an active role in global efforts to reduce the impact of climate change. By adopting and increasing the use of renewable energy, this country can make an important contribution to reducing emissions globally, maintaining the sustainability of the planet, and creating a more sustainable and environmentally sound future towards a developed Indonesia.

"If we look at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the principles of Changing Our World: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, of course efforts to utilize unlimited natural resources are very relevant. To make this happen, the role of education, innovation and technology is really needed," said Prof. Antara.

Through this seminar, it is hoped that it can become an active effort by universities to support Indonesia in realizing a sustainable energy transformation. Apart from being able to increase awareness about sustainable energy in higher education, this seminar activity can also provide constructive input for policy makers in Indonesia.