Udayana University Appreciates MPR RI for Collaboration in Cultural Arts Performances in the Context of Education Strengthening the Four Pillars

Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) in collaboration with Udayana University (Unud) held the MPR RI Cultural Arts Performance at the Udayana International Convention Center (UICC) Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (21/09/2023). Cultural Arts Performance organized by the Indonesian MPRI Socialization Agency in collaboration with Udayana University in the framework of the Four Pillars Socialization for the younger generation.

The Rector of Udayana University, who was represented on this occasion by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika in his speech expressed his highest appreciation to the MPR RI for choosing Udayana University as one of the venues for this MPR RI Cultural Arts Performance. Of course, it is hoped that the younger generation, especially Udayana University students, can better understand and deepen their insight regarding the Four Pillars of the MPR RI, so that they can strengthen the spirit of defending the country in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Vice Chairman of the Indonesian MPR Socialization Agency Taufik Basari, S.H., S.Hum, LL.M in his speech hoped that this activity could provide benefits and also attract various lessons and values. The MPR RI is mandated by law to promote the Four Pillars of the MPR RI, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Based on this, members of the MPR RI have the duty to invite the entire community, including the younger generation, to safeguard and care for the Four Pillars of the MPR RI.

Furthermore, the Vice Chair of the Indonesian MPR Socialization Agency said that the socialization of the Four Pillars was being achieved by making various efforts, including arts and culture. As is known, Indonesia has a diversity of cultures, customs and arts. "Therefore, in the context of socialization, arts and culture are also being held in collaboration with Udayan University," he said.

In this socialization event, Balinese arts performances were carried out in the form of Kecak Dance, Sekar Jagad Dance, Baris Dance, Keraton Legong Dance, and Bondres. Apart from that, the eight members of the MPR RI who came from various DPD factions and groups who were present delivered brief material on the Four Pillars.