Udayana University Hospital Collaborates with the SITI Development Team to Hold FGD "Socialization of Hepatitis Self-Diagnosis Online Services for the Community"

The SITI (online Self Diagnose-Hepatitis) Development Team, https://siti-diagnosa.id/ in collaboration with Udayana University Hospital, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Saturday, September 16 2023, at Arjuna Hall, The Chakra Hotel. This FGD activity aims to develop a software program to help detect and diagnose hepatitis early which can be done by the public online.

The FGD theme raised was "SITI (Online Self Diagnosis-Hepatitis): Socialization of Online Hepatitis Self Diagnosis Services for the Community". It is important to develop this software so that people are aware of the importance of early detection and understand the treatment of Hepatitis.

The activity was opened by Chief Researcher I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, S.T., M.T (Faculty of Engineering). The FGD activity was attended by three representatives from Udayana Hospital, one representative from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, one representative from the Gianyar Regency Communication and Information Service and four students from Udayana University (Unud). The next activity was an internal discussion which began with a presentation of material regarding SITI: Online Self Diagnosis-Hepatitis by Chief Researcher I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, S.T., M.T.

The material presented by I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, S.T., M.T (Faculty of Engineering) included SITI (online Self Diagnosis Hepatitis) which is website-based software created based on an AI system. It is hoped that this software can be used as a medium for early detection of hepatitis by the public.

After providing the material, it continued with an internal discussion between the research team and Udayana Hospital. The topics discussed were efforts to treat hepatitis carried out by Udayana Hospital, the advantages and disadvantages of SITI software, and suggestions that could be given for developing SITI software. In the final session, there was a demonstration regarding the working mechanism of the SITI software, which was delivered by members of the research team.

This activity was carried out in the context of a 2023 Udayana Startup Company Candidate (CPPU) research grant through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at Udayana University (Unud).