12 Proposals Successfully Obtained Funding for the 2023 Entrepreneurial Student Development Program

The Udayana University (Unud) student affairs bureau through the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK) held a Branding & Sales Marketing Entrepreneurship Workshop in the context of implementing the 2023 Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW), located at the Postgraduate Building, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (14/9/23 ). The workshop was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU., by presenting two speakers Putu Surya Sudarmadi, S.Kom and I G N Erlangga Bayu Rahmanda P, SE., MBA.

Chairman of UPK Unud Dr. Ni Putu Sutramiani, S.Kom., MT in her report said that the implementation of this workshop was the second activity where this activity was a series of P2MW and was the last workshop before the entire team would take part in internal monitoring and evaluation. Previously, at the beginning of the year, P2MW activities had carried out socialization to all faculties and study programs online to introduce the P2MW program. After the socialization, business proposal selection was carried out in which the selection team was determined from lecturers who had entrepreneurial activities.

From the selection results of 49 proposals, only 14 proposals were accepted, of which 14 proposals were submitted to Belmawa from 6 business categories. Of the 14 proposals submitted, only 12 groups succeeded in obtaining funding from the P2MW program. Currently, a mentoring process has been carried out by each accompanying lecturer who is mentored by lecturers who have competence in their fields which are divided into six fields including: (1) Technology business, (2) Non-technology business, (4) Creative industry, (4) ) Manufacturing and applied technology, (5) Food and beverages, and (6) Cultivation.

The hope is that students can participate in this activity until the end and all teams can complete their activities according to the activity plan of each group. "The selection results will be announced soon, so once we have the selection results we can prepare for the competition which will be held at Undiksha Singaraja," said the Head of the UPK.

Meanwhile Prof. Ngakan in this case said, to all students who took part in the 2023 Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) activities, there are 12 groups that have received this funding, we have assisted them from the beginning until the end, of course the focus is on the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) Expo.

The passing of these 12 proposals will of course require workshops, mentoring and monitoring to be carried out, but in the long term, this is how these students who have received the program can be sustainable, their business ideas will become business start-ups, then become businesses that can run and then can produce results, so that they graduate from the university. It is hoped that Udayana will no longer look for work but will create a job from an early age or go to college.

"Now P2MW have also been given assistance funds, and the next assistance after they are successful and their business is running will be accompanied by what is called the Unud Business Incubator even though they are still studying, and after graduating they will be released to become an independent business," said Prof. Ngakan.