Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Holds Latest Bali Psychiatry Join Summit with 2nd International Conference on Cultural and Spiritual Psychology

Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud) held the Latest Bali Psychiatry Symposium and Workshop (BATIK-4) Join Summit with 2nd International Conference on Cultural and Spiritual Psychology (ICOSPI) which was held at Four Points By Sheraton Bali Ungasan, Friday (8/9 /23). The activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information of Unud, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M. Kes. which is marked by striking the gong five times.

Dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, dr., Sp.K.J as Chair of the Committee said in his report that the BATIK-4 seminar discussed various interesting topics regarding psychiatry and mental health. It is hoped that this seminar will provide many benefits for all parties to gain new knowledge, new experiences and broader insight into the topics that will be discussed in the next two days.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes in his speech explained that currently the whole world is experiencing rapid development both in terms of social, economic and technological aspects. On the one hand, this is a sign that our civilization continues to develop, but on the other hand, it turns out that this change has implications for various fields including the health sector, not only in the physical health sector but also in the mental health sector.

"This is a challenge for all of us to realize the definition of health, so of course colleagues from psychiatric specialists have a very big responsibility in how they can strive to achieve this mental health, so that complete mental health according to the WHO definition can be achieved." we have achieved it," stressed the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

Mental problems are currently not only experienced by urban communities, but rural communities are now starting to increase in mental cases as a consequence of the progress we have made so far. On the other hand, we also realize that the presence of mental medicine specialist doctors is not evenly distributed, perhaps only scattered in big cities and rural areas and remote areas, and has not been touched by mental medicine specialist doctors. Therefore, in these areas it is of course the responsibility of general practitioners there to provide services related to mental health. For this reason, we need to provide updated knowledge to friends, not only consultants to specialists, but also to general practitioners who work in various regions that currently do not have a specialist in mental medicine.

"Hopefully many general practitioners will participate in this activity, so that later they can provide more provisions to fellow general practitioners so that after returning from attending this seminar they can use the knowledge gained from this event to be able to provide services "more optimal mental health for society," said the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

Meanwhile Prof. Adiatmika in his speech congratulated the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, especially the Chair of the Committee and all members who had made serious efforts to produce a national scale event as well as an international scale event that carried a very interesting theme.

"I give my appreciation to all the speakers from various countries who have participated in the series of BATIK and ICOSPI events, I also do not forget to give my appreciation to all the participants who have agreed to attend from all over Indonesia, there are even participants and speakers from abroad," concluded the Vice Rector.

The pandemic period in recent years has encouraged a lot of innovation and development in various fields of science, producing new technologies that are appropriate for use, one of which is in the medical field. It is important to innovate and invest in mental health, so that it can be implemented and used in society, especially in treatment.

Through this seminar, it is hoped that it can give new hope to specialist doctors, general practitioners and other mental health practitioners to jointly carry out innovation and collaboration. Apart from that, it is hoped that there will be additional new knowledge for the participants. "Hopefully this event will be a forum for knowledge transfer between participants and speakers and can meet the needs for scientific development in each location," said Prof. Adiatmika.