IKU-6 Performance Achievement Levels, Udayana University Holds Collaboration Data Reporting Workshop

Udayana University (Unud) through the Academic, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau held a Collaboration Data Reporting Workshop at the Bali Tropic Resort and Spa, Nusa Dua, Badung (Wednesday, 30 August 2023). This event was attended by the Deans, PIt. Postgraduate Director, Chair of the Coordinating Institute for Diploma and Undergraduate Study Programs, Chair of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS), KUI Coordinator, Chair of Unud Media, Sub-Coordinator of Faculty Education and Collaboration, Sub-Coordinator of Faculty and Postgraduate Administration, Sub-Coordinator of Academic and Student Affairs Faculty, FKH Student Affairs Sub-Coordinator, Udayana University Collaboration and Public Relations Team.

The Rector of Udayana University, represented in this case by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes, in his speech and opening the workshop, said that Udayana University had made various efforts to maximize collaboration data reporting, one of which was by involving a collaboration team from the Work Unit environment at both the university level and the Information Management and Collaboration Team (UPIKS) at the faculty level which coordinates with the Faculty/Study Program in reporting collaboration data.

This event presented three speakers, namely Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M. Si. as Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations of the Directorate General of Higher Education with the material Strategy and Efforts of Work Units within Udayana University in the Context of Improving the Performance of IKU-6 Based Collaboration. Verification of "best practice" Collaboration data in meeting the IKU 6 achievement criteria and Research Collaboration, and the final resource person was Muchammad Nur Rochim, S.Kom., Sub-coordinator of Education Data Management Pusdatin Directorate General of Education and Technology, with the material Synchronization of Domestic and International Collaboration Data Reporting at Udayana University on the Website https:/reportkerma.kemdiktbud.go.id/.

Through the implementation of this Collaboration Data Reporting Workshop, it is hoped that all elements within Udayana University who handle collaboration will have the same perception after receiving the material and discussions in this workshop. It is hoped that the percentage of achievements of Study Programs that collaborate with partners and fields that comply with the IKU-6 criteria will increase in reporting in the coming year.