LPPM Business Incubator of Udayana University Holds Socialization of Research-Based Startup Companies (PPBR)

Business Incubator (Inbis) Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Udayana University (Unud) carried out the Socialization of Research-Based Startup Companies (PPBR) series of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University with the theme "Startup Formation in the Context of Accelerating Downstreaming and Commercialization of Results Higher Education Research” on Monday, 28 August 2023 which took place in the 3rd Floor Hall of the Postgraduate Building, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. This activity was attended by 40 participants who came from representatives of lecturers from each faculty within Udayana University as well as startups and SMEs assisted by the Business Incubator of LPPM Udayana University.

This socialization began with remarks and opening remarks by the Head of the Udayana University LPPM Business Incubator, namely Dr. drh. Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, M.Biomed. In his remarks he said that currently the business incubator of Udayana University is downstreaming invention products/research results into commercially valuable products. Products or technologies that are commercialized are certainly expected to provide solutions to real problems and improve people's quality of life.

One of the programs to support the process of commercializing lecturer research results is Research-Based Startup Companies (PPBR). PPBR is financing for prospective startup companies based on research results from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) so that they are ready to become start-up companies that are profitable and sustainable. On this occasion, his party also expressed his hope that more and more lecturers would be interested in submitting PPBR proposals so that more research results from lecturers at Udayana University could be downstream.

After opening, the event continued with the core session, namely the presentation of material from the resource person, namely Dr. Ferry Rahmadhan, S.T., M.Si as the Coordinator of the PPBR Incubation Function of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The presentation of the material was guided by a moderator, namely Ni Wayan Sri Sutari, S.P., M.P as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.

In his presentation, the resource persons conveyed the guidelines for the Research-Based Startup Company (PPBR) program, funding mechanisms/flows, requirements for proposers, funding provisions, guidelines for using the RIIM-PPBR funding budget, proposal formats, and instructions for using the call for proposal (CFP) information system. The event ran smoothly and the participants actively participated in the discussion.