LPPM Udayana University Ready to Support the Development of Digital-Based Tourism Villages in Nusa Penida

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) participated in the success of the implementation of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University, one of which was by carrying out Community Service activities in Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency. Community service activities in the form of Seminars with the theme "Developing Digital Tourism Villages to Form Village Independence in Nusa Penida Klungkung", were held in Batununggul on 25-26 August 2023.

The seminar presented two speakers, namely Ni Wayan Gita Sadhana Savitri, Digital Ambassador for the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) Gianyar Regency and Kadek Darmayasa Karang Deputy Head of Institutional Affairs, Government, HR, Public Relations & IT, DPD ASITA BALI, Founder D'Karang Eco Lounge. The event was opened by the District Head of Nusa Penida, I Kadek Yoga Kusuma, SSTP., MAP.

The purpose of the community service activities is to increase enthusiasm for the development of tourist villages in the Nusa Penida area using advances in digital technology and the internet. One of them is by developing digital-based promotional media (Digital Marketing). As well as providing inspiration about the use of technology in village development in general. By inviting 4 village officials from representatives of all villages in the Nusa Penida sub-district, it is hoped that this community service activity can provide benefits for the advancement of tourism in Nusa Penida.

When interviewed directly at the dedication location, the Head of LPPM Unud, Prof. Nyoman Suarsana explained that this community service activity involved 14 villages in Nusa Gede and all KKN students in Nusa Penida, where all of these participants were very enthusiastic during this community service activity, so that what is the purpose of the service is expected to be realized properly.

Found further on the sidelines of the activity, Ni Wayan Gita Sadhana Savitri explained that the implementation of community service activities that focused on the development of digital tourism villages was very much needed to expand information for tourism villages so that they were able to produce creative innovations to increase the level of village welfare through development. the potential they have. Then utilizing and optimizing village potential through a sustainable information system is also a big step to integrate available resources and provide solutions to obstacles or problems that often occur.