Udayana University Holds Disabledpreneur Business Matching, Bringing Persons with Disabilities Closer to Market and Capital Access

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) held a Difabelpreneur Business Matching activity (Business Meeting in the framework of Increasing Market and Capital Access for Persons with Disabilities), which took place in the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (24/8/2023). The activity which was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University was a series of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. The event was attended by the Vice Rector, Bureau Heads, unit heads within the central office, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unud, bank partners and companies as well as other invitees.

Chief Executive of Dr. Sayu Ketut Sutrisna Dewi in her report said that there were 17 Disabledpreneurs who participated in this activity consisting of various types of businesses in the creative industries, products and services. Some of them are disabled alumni from Unud.

Through this activity, it is hoped that friends with disabilities can find business partners in an effort to develop their business. Like other young entrepreneurs, disabledpreneurs also experience the same two classic problems, namely limited access to capital and limited market access.

"Hopefully friends from financial or banking institutions will be given the opportunity to get soft credit or CSR for their business development. This activity is also part of the LPPM Unud service grant and also support from the Management Doctoral Student Association," he said.

The Chairman of the Committee for the 61st Anniversary of Unud I Gede Pasek Pramana, SH., MH expressed his appreciation for the initiative to carry out this activity which was part of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. In accordance with the theme of the Anniversary, namely building synergies to create achievements, through this activity the meaning of achievement in this context is broadened, namely empowering and increasing the dignity of people with disabilities which must be carried out by all parties in synergy. He hopes that the partners who are present can collaborate in advancing the welfare of people with disabilities in the future.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana said that people with disabilities certainly also have extraordinary potential. This potential must certainly be awakened in order to improve the quality of life of friends with disabilities. Through the Udayana service program, of course this is a very good activity and is needed by the community, especially people with disabilities. It is hoped that this program can continue in the future, how this service can make the object of service independent.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks said that this was the first time this activity had been carried out, and hoped that in the future it could continue and his party would pave the way for business actors through the BPU, LPPM and the Vice Rector for Student Affairs who also deals with entrepreneurship to be able to collaborate on this. .

It becomes a social responsibility to be close to the community, especially with people with disabilities and it becomes a commitment, for that we move together to foster entrepreneurship for people with disabilities.

In this activity a talkshow was also held with resource persons Wayan Damai and Ketut Mara, poetry readings and an auction for paintings of people with disabilities.