The Rector Cup II of Udayana University for the Petanque Sports Branch was Held at the Tabanan Debes Field

The Rector Cup II of Udayana University (Unud) Petanque Sports (Cabor) was held at the Petanque Debes Field, Tabanan Regency. The opening of the Rector Cup II for the Petanque Sports was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, Head of BKM, Chair of FOPI Pengprov Bali, Chair of KONI Tabanan Regency, Chair of the Rector Cup II of Unud Committee and other invitees, Sunday (20/8/2023).

Petanque is a form of boules (ball) game whose goal is to throw an iron ball as close as possible to a wooden ball called a choconnet (boka/joke).

Chairman of the Rector Cup II Committee Dr. Dewa Gede Wiryangga Selangga conveyed that the number of participants who took part in the Petanque Sport was 214 participants, where at the university level it was attended by 22 universities with a total of 95 teams, then for the student level it was attended by 44 schools with a total of 119 teams.

For university and student level, you can join a maximum of 4 teams in the same category. The schedule for the activities of the Rector Cup II at Udayana University, Cabor Petanque, starts from 18 to 23 August 2023.