Prepare the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program Towards KMI EXPO, Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance

Udayana University (Unud) through the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK) held Technical Guidance for Students Recipient of Funding for the 2023 Student Entrepreneurial Development Program (P2MW) in the context of strengthening the P2MW strategy towards KMI EXPO taking place at the Wiswakarma Hall, Faculty of Engineering, Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Friday (18/ 8/2023).

This Technical Guidance was opened by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau representing the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, where the participants were 12 groups of students who passed funding from the Ministry. The resource persons in this technical assistance were Wisnu Dewobroto with material on strengthening the P2MW strategy towards KMI EXPO and assisting the team receiving P2MW funding as well as moderator Ari Mogi.

Head of UPK Unud Dr. Ni Putu Sutramiani in her report said that in order to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of students, Udayana University participated in P2MW activities which had been carried out since March 2023. At the proposal collection stage, her party received 45 proposals where after verification there were 29 proposals that were declared feasible and that were submitted 14 proposals because there is a maximum limit for each category. These proposals have been reviewed internally by the UPK before being submitted to the P2MW system.

Based on the announcement in July, as many as 12 proposals passed the funding and had participated in a series of P2MW activities up to the current technical guidance. He hopes that through this program it will encourage the development of entrepreneurship at Udayana University among students in particular and it is great hope that through the material provided by the resource persons the team that passes this funding can pass and participate in the KMI EXPO.

While the Head of Student Affairs Bureau of Unud Dr. I Ketut Kartika conveyed that this technical guidance was given to P2MW recipients which was a continuation of PMW. This Bimtek aims at how students who pass funding from the Ministry can go to KMI EXPO. That's where the product exhibition will be contested and it is targeted that these 12 groups can represent Unud at the KMI EXPO. For this reason, his party invited resource persons who were expected to provide guidance so that later they could qualify to represent Unud at the KMI EXPO.