Improving the Quality of Accreditation Documents, LP3M Udayana University Holds Internal Assistance Training

Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University (Unud) held an Internal Assistance Training for the preparation of study program accreditation documents which was held online via the Cisco Webex application, Friday (18/08/2023). This activity presented two speakers namely Dr. Slamet Wahyudi as the Executive Board of BAN-PT and Dr. drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, M.P. as Head of the Udayana University Internal Assistance Team.

Chairman of the Committee Dr. Ketut Widya Purnawati, S.S., M.Hum. in his report said that this Internal Assistant Training activity was a refreshment for internal assistants at Udayana University consisting of assessors, evaluators, and auditors as well as quality assurance teams at both the study program and faculty levels. Internal assistants registered as participants were 109 people. Through this activity, data collection will also be carried out on Internal Companions, so that maybe there will be members who quit due to retirement and there will be the addition of new members.

Of course, it is hoped that after this activity the Internal Assistants will understand and be able to provide direction to the study program to carry out Good Practices in preparing Study Program Performance Reports (LKPS) and Self-Evaluation Reports. This kind of assistance aims to reduce or even eliminate the risk of unacceptable accreditation documents both technically and in substance.

While Prof. Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. in his remarks said that the purpose of this activity was to improve the quality of accreditation forms or documents that would be submitted to the National Accreditation Board (BAN) and the Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM). In addition, what is more important is to obtain information regarding current issues regarding accreditation and the intricacies of the process that will be conveyed by resource persons. Internal Assistants or Internal Assessors are at the forefront of Udayana University, not only developing accreditation but also trying to create a quality culture.