Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance for Verification and Validation of UKT and IPI Files for Independent Tracks

Udayana University (Unud) through the Bureau of Planning and Finance held Technical Guidance for the Verification and Validation of UKT and IPI Files for the Independent Track which took place in the Meeting Room Dr. Anak Agung Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (27/7/23).

Head of Planning and Finance Bureau Drs. In this case, I Komang Teken said that the Verification and Validation Technical Assistance activities related to the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) and Institutional Development Fee (IPI) Independent Pathway are very important to implement, because it involves elements of the faculty leadership, namely the deans, vice deans, study program coordinators, as well as other leaders. In accordance with developments that are related to the admission of new students through this independent pathway, it is indeed required to be transparent.

In this case, there are two things that underlie it, namely the Rector's Decree Number 669 regarding the procedure for determining the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) for prospective new students and the second Rector's Decree Number 141 of 2023 concerning determining the amount of registration procedures and Institutional Development Fees (IPI) for new students independent pathways . This activity is very closely related to the two decrees. Therefore the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance assigned the USDI team as a speaker to develop the system and facilitate new Unud students regarding the imposition of tuition fees. So the team's task will be to verify files or data uploaded by students and later it will be validated by the deans.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS, said that the activity being carried out was specifically for independent student admission, while students for the SNBP and SNBT pathways had already been processed through the system. This year, especially for independent pathways, it is necessary to verify and validate the UKT file first, which will then determine the IPI amount. Previously the SPI was not linked to the UKT paid by students, this year the UKT amount determines how much IPI must be paid later.

So students who are subject to UKT 1 and 2 will be exempt from IPI, whereas if students are subject to UKT 3 then their IPI will also adjust to IPI group 3 and so on. So that those who have the most interest in this verification and validation are the heads of the faculties and study programs. Therefore, it is hoped that prospective new students will fill out the UKT form honestly according to the economic conditions of their respective parents. The verification that will be carried out later is very important, therefore we involve the deans, vice deans, study program coordinators, and students in each faculty and to reduce mistakes in filling out the UKT file.