Udayana University Office of International Affairs Follows Up Collaboration with HK Haibin

The Office of International Affairs (KUI) of Udayana University (Unud) as the executor of the collaboration with HK Haibin Education Group Limited held a meeting with the HK Haibin Team and the Heze Vocational College Team on Tuesday (25/7) at the KUI Denpasar Office to discuss the follow-up of the collaboration between the two parties.

The Haibin team and the Heze team led by the Vice President of Heze Vocational College Zhang Guosheng were received directly by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes. and KUI Coordinator Dr. Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki., ST., MT., M.Eng discussed the continuation of the planned programs contained in the MoU and MoA collaboration agreements, which included clear requirements regarding the documents needed for registration at Unud and the arrival of foreign students to Indonesia.

This discussion also discussed real follow-ups that have been carried out regarding this collaboration and information on international programs that are currently running at Unud. Dr. Prajianiki hopes that this collaboration can increase the number of foreign students studying at Unud.

The Haibin Team and the Heze Team also took part in a campus tour directed by the KUI Team to introduce the environment and facilities owned by Unud directly, where they were very enthusiastic about Unud and Unud's support in accepting foreign students, especially from China. HK Haibin is a company based in Beijing and has as many as 200 staff and also has educational consultants and has had many collaborations with universities in other countries. HK Haibin has branch offices in several countries, one of which is in Indonesia. HK Haibin bridges and also recommends students to go to Indonesia.