Udayana University Targets Increased Student Achievement in 2023

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau targets to increase the number of outstanding students in 2023 at the national and international levels to support achievement in key performance indicators (IKU) 2.

Every year for outstanding students monitoring and evaluation is carried out in accordance with the needs and rules that apply to each student. On this occasion the student affairs department of Udayana University conducted Monitoring and Evaluation of Students who received the 2022 Udayana University Independent Achievement Search Pathway (PJMP), which took place on Tuesday (18/07/2023) in the Library Hall of Udayana University Library Building, Bukit Campus, Jimbaran.

Head of USCC Unud Drs I Wayan Santiyasa MSi said that as many as 54 students who were accepted through the achievement route participated in this monitoring and evaluation as a form of reminder to maintain national achievement at least once a year.

"This Monev is targeting those who pass the 2022/2023 PJMP pathway to maintain their achievements while continuing to contribute to Unud at least one national achievement in one year," said the Chair of USCC.

Of the 54 students, they came from various fields of achievement, including science, arts and culture, technology and sports.

The Chairperson of USCC Unud hopes that in the future, especially in 2023, the number of student achievements, especially for new students on the PJMP pathway, can continue to increase. besides, increasing achievement also supports IKU 2, because 20 percent of students have to do activities outside the campus, so one of the components is by participating in achievement events, both national and international.