LP3M Udayana University Conducts AUN-QA Certification Program Simulation

The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University (Unud) conducted a 2023 Simulation of the Implementation of the Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Certification Program for 4 (four) study programs within Udayana University. The activity was carried out in the Nations Room, Bukit Jimbaran University Campus, Monday (17/7/23).

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU said that this simulation activity is very important, so that it can provide an idea of ​​how field assessments will be carried out offline in the coming days. So that what is still lacking and becomes the assessor's notes that must be corrected in this simulation, can be prepared to maximize the offline visitation later on August 8-10 2023. In 2023 there will be 4 (four) more Study Programs participating in the AUN-QA certification program, the hope is that this year, Unud will have at least 8 (eight) study programs that are AUN-QA certified.

In addition, the most important thing in the internationalization program is to develop institutions that are internationally certified and accredited, in which it is hoped that the same program can be carried out as well as FIBAA for the fourteen study programs this year. The program is currently running and hopefully in accordance with our mutual expectations. Then there is also ASIIN which is expected to move next year so that later contributions from ASIIN, AUN-QA and IABE can accelerate the Unud program for internationalization.

On this occasion the Rector thanked the leaders at the rectorate level, the postgraduate directors and the faculties who had prepared everything so that today's AUN-QA simulation could run as expected.

Meanwhile the Assessor Team Prof. Ir. Satria Bijaksana, M.Sc., Ph.D from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) expressed his happiness to be back at Udayana University, he hoped that what he would do as an assessor in the next two days could provide benefits for the Unud academic community in facing the AUN-QA assessment. Last month AUN-QA released new guidelines for institutional assessments, and one of the assessment requirements is that the University has at least 5 programs to be assessed. So far there will be two higher education institutions in Indonesia that will be assessed institutionally, namely the University of Indonesia and Gajah Mada University. If Unud takes this step, then Unud will be the third to be institutionally certified.

Incoming assessors are peers by nature, assessors naturally want to provide helpful advice, so don't just treat them as VIPs but be open with assessors because assessors are here to help. "Hopefully with honest conversations, honest interviews during the assessment will get good advice," Prof. Satria.