Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus Udayana University "Women and Millennial Leadership"

PT. Hotel Indonesia Natour cooperates with PT. Bank BNI, PT. Angkasa Pura I held "Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus", taking place at the Widya Sabha Building Campus of Udayana University Bukit Jimbaran, Wednesday (12/7/23). Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus is a series of events initiated by Srikandi BUMN.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara Meng IPU expressed his appreciation to Hotel Indonesia Natour, PT. Bank BNI and PT. Angkasa Pura I for holding BUMN Srikandi activities at Udayana University (Unud) which has given trust to Unud as the venue for the "Srikandi BUMN Goes To Campus" activities. Through this event, BUMN invite students to have careers, innovate, be active, become inspirations and drivers of the progress and transformation of BUMN.

In accordance with the theme raised at Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus, namely Women and Millennial Leadership, the Srikandi BUMN invites the younger generation of Indonesia, especially women, to continue to support national development, because in building and strengthening the nation, of course, everyone's role cannot be separated. , both men and women. Thanks to gender equality, the role of women is increasingly prominent nowadays, especially through the presence of Heroines who prove that women also have a capable leadership spirit.

The Rector hopes that this event will be able to contribute, especially for students who want to have a career in BUMN. Let's welcome the full commitment of the Ministry of BUMN which encourages the leadership of the younger generation, especially women, by continuing to learn, maximizing their own potential, and increasing digital talent, so that they are better prepared to work and compete globally in the future.

With the increasing opportunities offered, it is hoped that Unud students will be able to contribute to BUMN, especially Srikandi Unud who are expected to become Srikandi BUMN in the future, not only as employees, but also in managerial positions and even the Board of Directors. Unud is always ready to collaborate and synergize with BUMN to provide the best education and services for the younger generation as a form of Udayana University's positive contribution to Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Main Director of PT. Hotel Indonesia Natour (HIN) Christine Hutabarat conveyed tips to Unud students for careers in state-owned companies to contribute to building the nation's and state's economy. He added tips for a career in a state-owned company so that in addition to having soft skills, you also need hard skills or academic grades obtained while studying to also have an impact on your career. In addition, networking also plays an important role in working, including in BUMN. Networking can be obtained, one of which is through apprenticeship activities that can be carried out at BUMN. In this internship, participants will gain experience as knowledge to prepare them when filling strategic positions including those related to human resources, finance, and other strategic business positions, up to leadership positions.

Main Director of PT. Hotel Indonesia Natour (HIN) invited Unud students to get to know BUMN more closely, moreover BUMN Minister Erick Thohir targeted 25 percent of women to occupy strategic director-level positions in BUMN companies and 10 percent by millennials. "Even so, to occupy the top ranks is not arbitrary to take or choose but must have the expertise or competence and ability to lead," he said.