Udayana University Establishes Collaboration with Radhiyan Pet and Care

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with Radhiyan Pet and Care which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by both parties at the Unud Rector Building, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (10/7/2023). Present at the signing of the MoU were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Udayana University, the Dean and Vice Dean III as well as the Head of UPIKS Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), while Radhiyan Pet and Care was attended by the Main Director, Commissioners, managers and staff.

As a follow-up to the MoU signed on this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, signed the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with the Main Director, Radhiyan Pet and Care.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Unud Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika M.Kes in his speech said that FKH is one of the faculties at Udayana University which is active in serving the community through the Animal Hospital. With the educational process carried out at the Faculties and Animal Hospitals, it is hoped that students will gain experience to improve skills. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that Unud, under the direction of our Rector, always opens opportunities for collaboration so that we are able to support education at FKH, both academically and professionally. Therefore, his party welcomed the presence of Radhiyan Pet and Care to collaborate with Unud. Every collaboration that is carried out is expected to benefit both parties, therefore we always emphasize that any collaboration that is carried out must certainly benefit both parties.

It is further hoped that with the spirit of Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) this collaboration can be expanded, namely it can provide opportunities for students outside of the Faculty of Medicine to take part in learning because this MBKM allows students of other study programs to take lessons or do internships at Radhiyan Pet and Care for one semester and can recognized as SKS.

"Of course we always demand that this MoU must be followed up on at least one MoU, one PKS, one activity report per year," said the Vice Rector.

The Vice Rector also hopes that the presence of Radhiyan Pet and Care at Unud will provide wider space for students to study, do internships and others.

While the Main Director of Radhiyan Pet and Care Drh. Radhiyan Fadiar Sahistya expressed his gratitude to Unud for providing the widest possible opportunity to collaborate, to advance together especially the world of education. Radhiyan Pet and Care is one of the business units of the Radhiyan Group which is under the auspices of PT Radhiyan International Satwatama which has very big hopes going forward not only in Indonesia but also in the world. We hope that later we would like to invite friends, especially in veterinary medicine, to be able to advance the world of veterinary, especially in Indonesia, because they have a very big future mission, especially for the development of human resources.

"We are recruiting veterinarians and other staff here, not just bringing jobs at our place but we want to bring in a new entrepreneur who later when they no longer work at us, we hope they will not move to work elsewhere but can open new jobs. for the Indonesian people in particular and the hope is that the Indonesian veterinary world can develop further, it can be seen by the general public as well," he said.

He further conveyed that for future collaboration there is a lot that can be done starting from the scholarship program which is currently only for Koas students, hopefully in the future it can be for undergraduate students as well, apart from that it can collaborate for the development of the world of education, research collaboration and other social activities. It is hoped that in the future we can both synergize with each other, can advance everything and can mutually benefit both parties.