The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University Holds the 14th Peak of the Family Board

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Udayana University (Unud) held the 14th FISIP Family Board (BK) event at the FISIP Auditorium, 4th Floor, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (7/7/2023). This year's Family Organization carries the theme "Together as Family, Unity in Solidarity".

The BK FISIP activity was marked by cutting the rice cone and was attended by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, the Dean and Vice Dean of FISIP, lecturers, staff and students, the Deans, Unit Heads within Unud and also present the founder and initiator of FISIP Unud Prof. . Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, SP.PD (KHOM).

The Chairperson of the Committee, Nyoman Ayu Sukma Pramestisari, S.Sos., MA, said that with the theme raised this time, it is hoped that we can always unite in solidarity as a large, intact family. Of course it is hoped that this theme will not stop as just a theme, but can still take place as a non-stop strengthening process, both specifically at FISIP and in general at Unud.

In addition, several series have been carried out, namely the first FISIP Sport Day which was very well organized with a total of more than 200 participants on June 23 2023, then the second collaboration with PMI Denpasar City to donate blood on the 26th June 2023 where approximately 30 blood bags were obtained, and the third was carried out Screening the film behind 98 which was held on July 6 2023 and it was felt to be very relevant to the academic world. By holding this peak event, it is hoped that it can strengthen friendship ties and also realize the hopes that have been carried out on the theme of the 14th BK FISIP.

Meanwhile the Dean of FISIP Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Si in this case said that with the 14th anniversary of FISIP, as the head of the faculty, he will move together with lecturers, students, study program coordinators, staff, and others to build a better and more sustainable FISIP in the future. proceed. The Dean also thanked the Chancellor and his staff who had provided facilities on par with other faculties at Unud, so that FISIP could carry out the learning process well and in quantity and quality it could continue to improve.

FISIP currently has 1,643 active students who are supported by 64 human resources. To improve the quality of service at FISIP, additional human resources are needed, both in terms of lecturers and education staff, while the facilities and infrastructure are sufficient. All six study programs at FISIP are accredited B and preparations for re-accreditation will also be carried out in 2024 because there are four study programs whose accreditation will expire. In the future FISIP will also plan to establish new undergraduate and graduate study programs where the forms have entered LP3M and the guidance process has been carried out so that it is hoped that next year everything can be realized.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS, on this occasion congratulated the 14th BK FISIP with the hope that in the future FISIP will be more advanced and successful in producing human resources in the fields of social sciences and political science. To the initiator of FISIP, namely Prof. What devotees aspired to when he founded FISIP can be realized in the future. Prof. Wiksuana is sure that the FISIP Faculty will grow rapidly in the future where the lecturers are very qualified in their fields, and from the student side it is also hoped that student input will be of higher quality so that later it will produce quality alumni as well.

Meanwhile Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, SP.PD (KHOM) as the initiator and founder of FISIP Unud on this occasion gave a glimpse back regarding the establishment of FISIP. Prof. Bakta is sure that with the existing human resources at FISIP, FISIP will be able to run and will not be inferior to FISIP throughout Indonesia. In addition, he also hopes that more professors will be born at FISIP Unud because they are needed to develop the institution. "All study programs at FISIP Unud must be able to achieve superior accreditation and in the future must develop Masters study programs, and the D3 Library Study Program at FISIP must change to a minimum of D4 or if possible become S1," he said.