Udayana University Weimana Team Participates in Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pacific and Middle East 2023

The Weimana Udayana Team of Udayana University (Unud) for the first time participated in the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia Pacific and Middle East 2023 competition which took place at the Mandalika Circuit Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Wednesday-Sunday, 5-9 July 2023.

Also present at the opening ceremony was Otto ardianto Staff of the Minister of Transportation for Funding and Finance, the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara and the CEO of Shell Asia Pacific and Middle East. Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University also attended the opening ceremony of this prestigious event.

The implementation of this activity is expected to provide a wider space for the younger generation in the Asia Pacific and Middle East region to develop their abilities in the field of Automotive Engineering as well as train energy efficiency skills for the sake of our beloved earth. The implementation of this event is also expected to be a birthplace for new energy efficiency innovations that can be implemented in everyday life.

A total of 76 teams attended and competed from various Asia Pacific and Middle East countries. This year the number of students participating was 900 people from 13 countries. This activity is the second time held in Indonesia, which in the previous two years was held in Sepang Malaysia.

In this competition, the Weimana Udayana Team took part in the urban concept category by using electric fuel with their car made of carbon fiber (very light). The Weimana team in this competition carried the name AGNIJAYA EVO III.

This competition presents judges from various countries and international and national Shell representatives, with assessments made from various sides; includes feasibility, fuel sources, safety, functional equipment, efficiency, electricity, and models. In addition, an assessment of the driver's expertise is also carried out.