The Importance of the Role of Translators and Interpreters Towards Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions, UPT Language of Udayana University Holds a Translation Workshop

Udayana University (Unud) through the Language Center held a Translation Workshop for Lecturers of Balinese Higher Education with the theme "The Role of Translators and Interpreters in the Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions", which took place at Four Star by Trans Hotel Renon Denpasar, Monday (26/06/2023) , and lasted for 2 days, from 26-27 June 2023. This workshop presented 4 qualified speakers in the field of translation, namely, Prof. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto, Prof. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, and Drs. Azali Pangiringan Samosir.

Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, S.S., M.Hum, Head of Language Center of Udayana University and Chair of the Committee for this workshop said that the development of English in the education sector is inseparable from the role of educators in Indonesia in facilitating each institution towards internationalization. Educational institutions as the main pillar should be enriched with innovation, networking, and institutional collaboration both at home and abroad. Internationalization in higher education can be an effort to exchange culture, knowledge across national disciplines, as well as friendship between institutions. One form of internationalization is international certification and accreditation activities, where universities in Indonesia can compete globally.

Human resources in the field of languages, translators and interpreters in international accreditation activities have an important role in supporting an institution to be involved and contribute further. The role of translators in internationalization activities can be seen in the process of written and oral translation for assessment activities such as AUN-QA or FIBAA international accreditation.

Furthermore, the Head of Language Center said that the number of participants who took part in this activity totaled 80 people from 13 Faculties at Unud and PTN/PTS throughout Bali. Through the implementation of this activity it is hoped that it can add to the insights and abilities of the lecturers to be able to practice written and oral translation, so that it can be of benefit to their respective institutions.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja who in this case represented the Rector of Udayana University said that Unud was heading towards internationalization, namely international recognition in terms of both certification and accreditation. Currently, there are 4 study programs that have been internationally accredited, namely from the international accredited IABI Institute, namely the Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering Study Programs. Meanwhile, ABEST 21 international accreditation was achieved by the Postgraduate Management Masters Study Program.

Unud has registered for FIBAA international accreditation, namely for humanities study programs at the Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Humanities, and Faculty of Law. In line with the implementation of the intended international accreditation, linguists are needed to play a role in the preparation of various documents leading to international accreditation. This workshop activity is very important for lecturers who will play a role in international accreditation and international certification activities in each of the programs leading to World Class University.