Udayana University Chemistry Study Program Students Visit the Bali Police Forensic Laboratory

On Tuesday, 6 May 2023, a visit was made by students of the Chemistry Study Program at Udayana University to the Bali Police Forensic Laboratory. This arrival was welcomed by AKBP Ngurah Wijaya Putra, S.Sc., M.Sc. and Col. Imam Mahmudi, A.Md. S.H., M.Sc. This visit was carried out in order to increase the knowledge of semester 6 students who took the Forensic Chemistry course regarding fields, instruments, and analytical procedures in the laboratory.

There were five fields visited by students namely Forensic Drugs, Forensic Chemistry and Biology, Forensic Fake Documents, Forensic Physics and Computer as well as Ballistics and Metallurgy. This visit was carried out by the Forensic Chemistry teaching team chaired by Prof. Dr. dr. Ni Made Suaniti, M.Sc.

Visits have been routinely carried out since its establishment around 2020, as a form of collaboration between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University and the Bali Police Forensic Laboratory. This activity began with a guest lecture from alumni who work in the Forensic Laboratory.