Equating Perceptions, Udayana University Holds Socialization and Technical Guidance for SIMKATMAWA Data Entry

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud) held Socialization and Technical Guidance on Data Entry into the Student Performance and Governance Information System (SIMKATMAWA) at SereS Spring Resort Ubud, Friday (02/06/2023). This socialization presented speakers from Semarang State University, namely Prof. Dr. Parmin, S.Pd., M.Pd. who delivered material about SIMKATMAWA data filling.

This socialization was attended by participants consisting of Unit Heads in the field of student affairs, faculty SIMKATMAWA operators within Unud, as well as external participants namely from ISI Denpasar, Bali State Polytechnic, STIKOM Bali, and STIKI.

The Coordinator of Interest, Reasoning and Information on Student Affairs of Udayana University I Made Budiastrawan in his report said that this socialization activity was carried out in the context of equalizing perceptions regarding what will be input and the validity of the data input into SIMKATMAWA. The data to be input consists of institutional data, recognition data, student achievement data both national, international, independent and achievements from Puspresnas.

The data entry period to SIMKATMAWA, especially for data for 2022, ends on June 15, 2023. After June 15, 2023, data entry for 2023 will begin again.

Head of Student Affairs Bureau Unud Drs. Ketut Kartika on this occasion said that the implementation of SIMKATMAWA was starting to be held again, where in 2022 there was a vacuum and this year it was held again. This socialization was carried out especially for faculty operators in the Udayana University environment.

It is hoped that through this socialization activity, the participants will be able to find out what data needs to be entered into this SIMKATMAWA. "We really want this socialization to bring in resource persons from the Ministry, so that we are not wrong in inputting or in making or participating in activities," said the Head of the Bureau.