Udayana University Students Receive Scholarship CSR from Bank BPD Bali

Denpasar - Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana attended the CSR Scholarship Submission and Launching of the SimPel Agent (Student Savings) Bank BPD Bali School at the Ksirarnawa Art Center Building Denpasar, Friday (26/5/2023). The activity, titled the Bali Student Saving Movement to Create a Smart, Healthy and Green Bali Generation, was attended by the Governor of Bali, Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali-Nusra and other invitees as well as students and scholarship recipients.

From Udayana University also attended the activity namely the Head of the Scholarship Development Unit and representatives of the Student Affairs Bureau and students receiving scholarships. There are 55 Unud students as recipients of this CSR scholarship from Bank BPD.

The scholarship CSR was symbolically handed over by the Governor of Bali accompanied by the Main Director of Bank BPD Bali to student representatives of Udayana University and Bali State Polytechnic for tertiary level. A total of 130 tertiary students received the scholarship.

President Director of Bank BPD Bali I Nyoman Sudharma said that the awarding of this scholarship was routinely carried out every year in accordance with the vision of the Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali government from 22 work programs, namely increasing educational capacity in Bali which we need to support together with all stake holders. This opportunity was also coupled with the implementation of the Indonesian savings movement which is part of a government program that expects all school children starting from elementary or kindergarten to be able to set aside their money to be used for investing or other things in the form of student savings.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, said that the scholarship program from BPD Bali, which was sourced from CSR, was only programmed when his party just took office as Governor. Previously, CSR was allocated for other things, such as house renovation programs. Because he understands that education is important in building superior resources in Bali, as a shareholder, he asks the commissioners and directors to allocate CSR for educational assistance for students. The Governor hopes that the amount of the BPD Bali CSR scholarship can be increased again in the coming years.