Strengthening Library Management, Udayana University Collaborates with FPPTI Central Java

Udayana University (Unud) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Java Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI), located at the Udayana Library Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Thursday, (25/5/23). The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Parties was coupled with the Signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between Udayana University and Members of the Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI) Central Java.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Rector, who in this case was represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information of Udayana University, Chair of the Central Java FPPTI, Chair and Secretary of the UPT Library of Udayana University along with the ranks and Heads of Libraries from Central Java FPPTI.

Vice Recor for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes. in this event said, visits from colleagues from the Central Java Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI) in order to build a network of cooperation between universities in the Central Java region and Udayana University.

Of course, the presence of FPPTI can strengthen and share information about library management both in library documents, library materials, and also librarians. "By working together, of course, the books can synergize and strengthen each other to support academic services to our students," said the Vice Rector.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (FPPTI) in Central Java, Dr. Wiji Suwarno expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the University and the leadership of the Udayana University Library and their staff who had received the FPPTI group at Unud. There were several objectives carried out during this visit namely, friendship and signing of an MoU to legalize that the Central Java FPPTI already has formal legality to carry out the merger with all tertiary institutions, besides that also to share and care between all members of the library and hope that in the future the network can all over the nation. So far, several libraries have been invited to cooperate, one of which is with Udayana University, where this collaboration is expected to improve the quality of our output as libraries and students as users in it.