Supporting the Achievement of Good University Governance and the MBKM Program, Udayana University Strengthens Cooperation with BPKP Bali Province

Jimbaran – Following up on the cooperation signed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency, Udayana University (Unud) strengthened cooperation with Representatives of the Bali Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) which was marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) at the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (22/5/2023).

The signing ceremony was attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, SPI, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders and related units. Meanwhile, the BPKP was attended by the Head of BPKP Bali Province Representative, the Coordinator of Supervision for Central Government Agencies and the Coordinator of Supervision for Investigation of BPKP Bali and their staff.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in his remarks said that Unud was audited by five auditors including the BPK, BPKP, Inspectorate General, SPI Unud and Public Accountants. Until now, especially with the Bali Provincial BPKP, the cooperation has been very good and has received a lot of enlightenment, especially audits in the financial and development sector. The Rector appreciates the cooperation with BPKP which has been very good and in the future it will be even closer.

It is hoped that from the signing of the PKS, there will be two objectives, including good university governance, which can be achieved more quickly, and the second, in accordance with the main duties and functions, can accelerate and enrich the implementation of the three dharma, be it learning, research or community service. BPKP is also expected to be able to provide assistance in terms of procurement of goods and services at Unud so that it goes according to the rules in the context of good university governance. Then in the implementation of tridharma, cooperation with BPKP is expected to support MBKM achievements at Unud, which consists of 9 components, one of which is student activities or studying outside campus, which in this case makes it possible to do it with BPKP Bali Province. In addition, the Rector also opens opportunities to develop mutually beneficial and beneficial cooperation for the parties. "Please later, friends from each unit, faculty or institution who need cooperation with BPKP, of course we will encourage it," said the Rector of Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPKP Representative for Bali Province Muhammad Masykur, SE.,MM.,CFrA.,QIA.,CGCAE expressed his appreciation for the cooperation that was established. This PKS is a follow-up to the MoU between the Minister of Education and Culture and the Head of BPKP some time ago which was signed regarding the synergy of strengthening good governance at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. As has been mutually agreed upon, the scope of this cooperation agreement includes supervision of the implementation of strategic or priority programs as well as other programs.

Then increase the accountability of budget management for the functions of education, culture, science, and technology; Accelerating the follow-up of monitoring results, increasing the quality of implementation of the integrated government internal control system; as well as related to the implementation of student internships. "Actually we have the same vision mission, both in government, then the BPKP is also the President's auditor or internal auditor. The BPK, the Supreme Audit Agency, is structurally equal to the President, the BPKP, the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency under the President directly so that it is the President's internal auditor," he said.

We have the same mission, vision, how do we secure, build good governance. So specifically in Bali, his party is ready to facilitate cooperation with a spirit of solutions, so there's no need to hesitate because his party is more consulting in nature, when asked to conduct an audit his party is ready. If during the audit there is a problem, the best solution will be given and can be followed up for future improvements. The implementation of this PKS will be regulated in detail in the working terms of reference. He hopes that this collaboration can provide the widest possible benefits for Udayana University.