Two BAN-PT Assessors Conduct Field Assessments at the Masters Program in Agricultural Biotechnology at Udayana University

The BAN-PT Assessor Team conducted an online field assessment of the Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud) located in the Senate Room of the Faculty of Agriculture, Agrocomplex Building, Campus Sudirman, Denpasar, Friday (19/5/23).

The assessor team who carried out the assessment consisted of Prof. Ir. Teguh Wijayanto, M.Sc., Ph.D (Halu Oleo University) and Prof. dr. Ir. Muhidin, M.Si (Halu Oleo University). The opening ceremony was attended by the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Chair of LPPM and LP3M, Head of Library, USDI representatives, Chair of the Agricultural Biotechnology Study Program, Lecturers and Tendik, and students of the Unud Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in this assessment asked for input from the Assessor Team assigned by BAN-PT, so that in the future the study program can carry out its main tasks and functions in accordance with the Tridharma of Higher Education, and if at another time it is hoped that they can meet in person with the assessor team in providing direction and input on how to follow up on the results of the assessment in the Biotechnology Masters Study Program.

The Rector on this occasion gave a glimpse of the condition of Udayana University which is 61 years old, superior accreditation status, BLU institutional status and immediately headed to PTNBH. Currently, Unud has 13 Faculties, 1 Postgraduate Program, 2 Hospitals, namely Unud Hospital and RSGM, and plans will try to open a veterinary hospital. Currently, Unud has 120 Study Programs with a total of 30,000 students, both from S0, S1, S2 and S3 levels, as well as specialists.

In addition, it was also conveyed that the accreditation of various study programs at Udayana University consisted of Excellent, A and Very Good accreditations totaling 94 percent of the 120 study programs. Unud also has 4 Study Programs that are internationally accredited, 3 in the Faculty of Engineering which are IABEE accredited, namely the Civil Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, while 1 which is ABEST21 accredited is in the Faculty of Economics and Business, namely the Master of Management Study Program. Last year there were 4 Study Programs that were AUN-QA certified, this year they are also still programming 4 Study Programs for AUN-QA, for BUD3 next year 4 more study programs will be prepared, so that next year there will be 12 study programs that are AUN-QA certified. In addition, this year there will be 14 study programs at Udayana University which will program FIBAA, especially for humanities study programs and there are several study programs that target ASIIN Accreditation, especially from the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and several study programs from other faculties.

The Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program is the pride of Unud because this is a leading study program in the master program, for this reason the Chancellor strongly encourages the Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program to become a study program that achieves international accreditation.

Meanwhile, the Representative of the Assessor Team, Prof. Ir. Teguh Wijayanto said that as an assessor, he received an assignment from BAN-PT and expressed his gratitude for the acceptance from Unud and the faculty leaders and staff. He hopes that the implementation of this assessment will run smoothly and be completed properly. As an assessor, his job is only to confirm or clarify things that have been reported by the accreditation team in documents, both in performance data and in performance evaluation reports. His party has also more or less seen several revisions that have been submitted by the head of the study program and later discussions will be held with other parties such as students, alumni, education staff, lecturers and stakeholders to provide a clearer and more detailed picture of the Agricultural Biotechnology Masters Study Program.