BEM of Udayana University Holds "Ekraf Talks" as a Platform to Increase Students' Understanding of Financial Literacy

The Creative Economy Talks Vol 1 organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) took place on Saturday (25/03/2023) at the Nusantara Hall, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus. "Crypto Literacy" is the theme raised in this Creative Talks Vol 1.

The purpose of holding this Vol 1 Creative Talks activity is to increase the understanding of Udayana University students regarding entrepreneurship and finance in the digital era. Apart from that, this Creative Talks activity is also a forum for students who want to start forming good financial and entrepreneurial patterns.

The enthusiasm from the Creative Talks Vol 1 activity was seen from the many participants who took part in this event, more than one hundred participants took part in this activity. In addition, the number of questions asked to the speakers showed that the participants were very enthusiastic about this activity.

Ekraf Talks Vol 1 presented two speakers from and Faculty of Economics and Business lecturers with a series of events namely the essence of material presentation by the first speaker and second speaker and continued with a discussion session and handing over of certificates to the two speakers of Ekraf Talks Vol 1. With this activity it is hoped that it can increase interest in financial literacy for both students and the wider community.

In this Ecraf Talks Vol 1 there was also an ice breaking session where gave questions to the participants and gave prizes of 200 thousand rupiahs to 10 participants who successfully answered the questions from

Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., PhD, who on this occasion was represented by the secretary of the Ormawa Development Unit, expressed his appreciation for holding Ekraf Talks Vol 1 in 2023 and how important financial literacy is for societal life in the future. Not to forget, the Secretary of the Ormawa Development Unit again invited students to take part in the continuation of the Creative Economy Talks Vol 1, namely the Creative Economy Talks Vol 2 which will be held at the end of July.