LPPM Udayana University Holds SP3 Outreach for Researchers Winning 2023 PNBP Grants

The Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Socialization and Signing of the Implementation Assignment Agreement (SP3) for 2023 PNBP Research/Services Grants which took place online through the Cisco Webex application, Friday (12/5/2023). This activity was attended by the Chief Researchers who won PNBP Grants in 2023 in order to follow up on the Rector's Decree regarding the Winners of Research and Service Grants at the Udayana University Research and Community Service Institute for the 2023 Fiscal Year. Present as resource persons in the socialization were the Head of LPPM Udayana University and the USDI Team.

Secretary of LPPM Unud NMAE Dewi Wirastuti, PhD as well as moderator said this socialization was very important to do because there were new things in SP3 which would be conveyed directly by the Chair of LPPM where there were matters that regulated implementation and punishment related to proposal submission in 2024 The resource person, Chair of the LPPM, will deliver socialization material for SP3 PNBP grants for 2023 and at the same time there will be socialization for research grants for independent campus research or MBKM research grants which will be opened for the second year period. Then the second resource person from USDI will convey about the new features in the LPPM SIM followed by a question and answer session.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana in his material conveyed several things related to the achievements of the 2022 IKU, Research and Service SP3, additional documents and Research/Research SKIM MBKM. The Head of LPPM said that in the 2023 PNBP research grant there were 935 proposals and 845 were funded. Then the SKIM PUM 2023 service grant out of a total of 212 proposals funded was 103. Through this opportunity the Chairperson of the LPPM also expressed his appreciation to the researchers at Unud for the achievements of IKU in year 2022.

The Head of the LPPM further explained the anatomy of the agreement for the assignment of research/dedication to PNBP funds for the 2023 Fiscal Year where there are 12 articles that must be considered by researchers. Following up on BPK's directives in article 6, there are sanctions that must be considered by grantee researchers. Several types of sanctions, from refunds, fines to being canceled as a recipient if something is violated in SP3. Besides that, there are also several documents that must be prepared, namely SPTJM, SPTJB Log Book and RAB Form.

Meanwhile, the USDI Team, namely I Made Arsa Suyadnya, ST., M.Eng, in his presentation conveyed the socialization of the SP3, SPTJM, SPTJB and Log Book features on the LPPM SIM. Documents in this LPPM SIM will use e-stamp and TTE. Before TTE, researchers are expected to re-check the existing documents for each feature.