Language Center of Udayana University Holds Udayana Academic English Proficiency Test 2023 Training for Students

Language Center of Udayana University (Unud) held the opening of the Udayana Academic English Proficiency Test (UAEPT) training for Unud students in 2023 at the Hall of the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (12/5/23).

The training was officially opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng., IPU. as well as presenting three speakers namely 1) I Made Sena Darmasetiyawan, SS., M.Hum., Ph.D with the material "Listening Comprehension"; 2) Putu Lirishati Soethama, S.S.,M.Hum with Reading Comprehension material; and 3) I Nyoman Tri Ediwan, SS., M.Hum. with Structure & Written Expression material.

The head of Language Center Sang Ayu Isnu Maharani, S.S., M.Hum who is also the head of the committee in his report said that UAEPT is the name of the organization of the English language test at Udayana University, which is Language Center branding of Udayana University. This branding was created with the aim that the Language Center has an identity for organizing English language tests institutionally as well as the names of other English tests from Language Centers throughout Indonesia. In addition, test branding also avoids the possibility of lawsuits because those entitled to use the TOEFL name are only intended for the TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) test and the online/paper-based TOEFL ITP test.

TOEFL itself is a test brand from America which only has 1 franchise in Indonesia, namely in Jakarta through IIEF (International Indonesian Education Foundation). For the holding of ITP itself, every language center in Indonesia was offered to be the test center, and Udayana is one of them.

On this occasion it was also reported that the number of participants who took part in the training was 111 people who were registered from 13 faculties at Unud. This training activity will be followed by an evaluation on Monday, May 15, 2023 at the Language Center. Students will receive 2 types of certificates, namely a training certificate for today and also an UAEPT certificate with a score/assessment result that can be used to complete administrative requirements for exams. Through this UAEPT training, we hope that students as agents of change for the growth of a new generation in Indonesia, in Bali in particular can be a plus for graduates at Unud in supporting the creation of human resources who have more capabilities, especially in the professional field later.

Meanwhile the Rector of Unud in his speech said this training is very important to improve the fluency in English for students, because later there will be several programs that will become our target so that students who already have certain English fluency skills can participate and be accepted into the program. Like the MBKM program from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely IISMA, the requirements include English language skills with certain qualifications. Hopefully with this training students can achieve certain grades so that later they can apply to the program. For institutions, the more the number of students participating the better, because it can become the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) of Higher Education which is included in the chancellor's performance contract with the Ministry.

Apart from that individually, when later a student who eventually becomes an alumni and masters a foreign language can support their career in the future. And from other institutions, because university programs in Indonesia are internationalized through the PTNBH program, so the more academics master foreign languages ​​the better, because there are more and more programs going international such as international accreditation programs, international research, Student Exchange and so on.