Udayana University held the 113th Graduation Ceremony

Bukit Jimbaran -  Udayana University held the 113th graduation ceremony which is take place at Auditorium Building Widya Sabha Udayana University on Saturday May 30th 2015. The 113th Graduation Ceremony began at 10 AM to 1:30 PM. This graduation was attended by 1057 graduates where the graduates come from the Doctoral Degree Program, Master Degree Program, Sp1, Bachelor Degree Program and Diploma Degree Program which is dominated by 507 women graduates and 550 men graduates.

The graduation ceremony was begun by The Prabu Udayana dance, sing Indonesian Republic national’s song, moment of silence, the opening of open senate assembly, reports by the provost of academic fields in which performence of women graduates are better than men graduates. Then proceed with the handover of graduates by the director of PPS and the dean of the faculty by the rector. For the highest GPA in Doctoral Degree Program with 3.88; Master Degree Program with a GPA in the amount of 4 in Tourism Studies Program; Sp1 Degree with a 3.87 GPA in Cardiovascular Disease Studies; Profession with a 3.96 GPA in Doctor Study Program; Bachelor Degree Program with GPA 3.97 in Japanese Literature Studies program; Diploma Degree with a GPA 2.98 in D3 English Program.

For the next event was completed by the readings of the best graduates, where the best graduates 

from each faculty achieved by:

  1. Dr.dr. I Gusti Lanang Sidiartha, Sp.A (K) from the Doctoral Degree program
  2. Dewa Ayu Sri Widari Diyah, A.Par., M.Par of the Master Degree program
  3. Anak Agung Sagung Suryawati, SS from the Faculty of Literature and Culture
  4. dr.Gede Wara Samsarga, S.Ked from the Faculty of Medicine
  5. Septi Trisna Sari, S.Pt from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry
  6. Ni Wayan Ella Apryani, SH from the Faculty of Law
  7. Maurren Theresia, ST from the Faculty of Engineering
  8. Kadek Stia Rani, SE from the Faculty of Economics and Business
  9. Putu Sena Widiatma, SP from the Faculty of Agriculture
  10. Sang Ayu Laksmi Srisatya Utari, S.Si from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  11. drh.Rencong Dwi Putra, S.KH from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  12. UI Wayan Wirakerti Nugraha, S.TP from Faculty of Agricultural Technology
  13. I Made Arya Darsana, S.ST.Par from the Faculty of Tourism
  14. Anak Agung Mas Ayu Sagung Anggraeni, S.IP from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

The next event was followed by the delivery of graduating certificate and the award plaque, then graduates vows graduates oath, sing Mars Udayana, then followed by greetings by graduates represented by Maurren Theresia, ST of the Faculty of Engineering, sing Hymne Guru, The speech of Rector of the University of Udayana, Graduates Handover by rector to the chairman Ikayana followed by embedding alumni emblem by the chairman Ikayana, then pray session and final event is the closing of the open senate assembly.(nita)