Udayana University Holds ONMIPA Internal Selection 2023, 84 Participants Ready to Compete

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) is holding an internal selection for the 2023 university-level National Olympiad in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ONMIPA) at the Bangsa Room Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (8/3/2023). This internal selection was attended by 84 participants who were students from the Faculty of MIPA, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, and Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Head of Reasoning and Creativity Unit Dr. Ns. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.K ep.Kom in her report said that the ONMIPA selection at the Udayana University level was a follow-up activity from the selection that had been carried out by every faculty that had participated in this ONMIPA activity. The purpose of carrying out this activity is to get each of the five best representatives from each faculty who can later represent Unud in each field of competition. The competitions held include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and later will take part in a selection test at the regional level around April.

The number of participants who took part was 84 people namely 40 people from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 22 people from the Faculty of Engineering, 6 people from the Faculty of Medicine, 10 people from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and 10 people from the Faculty of Agriculture and 3 people from the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Based on the competition in each field, there were 19 participants in Mathematics, 17 in Physics, 17 in Chemistry and 31 in Biology. All participants who attend will take part in two test sessions according to the material that has been determined. The results of this selection will be announced on March 13 and then the 5 best participants in each field of competition will receive coaching until April to prepare for selection at the regional level. "Hopefully later we can get the best results and can represent Udayana University at the national level," said the Head of the Reasoning and Creativity Unit.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU in his remarks said, we know that ONMIPA is one of the science competitions organized by the Director General of Higher Education under the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs which will be held this year, so preparations are in place. we do it early on and assistance has been carried out by accompanying lecturers.

Today Udayana University will conduct an internal selection. This internal selection is carried out because this activity is tiered to be internal first at Udayana University and then sent to the region for regional selection after that only enters the national level. Last year there were more than 90 participants who took part in the internal selection and this year the number has decreased, but it is hoped that the quality will increase. Of course the preparations have been made, and hopefully the best will come. "The best is what we will develop, we will accompany so that they can walk in the region and at the national level," said Prof. Ngakan.

The Vice Rector hopes that someone will win a medal at the national level because they will receive a sizable incentive because this is a prestigious event organized by the Ministry, which is different from events held independently. In the SIMKATMAWA assessment, the Ministry level event has a higher score, so the incentives are given differently from the independent event. This national event at the ministerial level usually has subsequent events such as the ASEAN level. For that so that all the spirit to be the best. The Vice Rector also asked that the assistance be carried out intensively.