Udayana University and Lamandau Regency Government, Central Kalimantan Develop Collaboration in the Health Sector

Udayana University (Unud) began its collaboration with the Lamandau District Government (Pemkab), Central Kalimantan by signing a Memorandum of Understanding which took place in the Bahasa Room of the Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Monday (6/3/23). Also present on this occasion were the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, the Faculty of Medicine, the Chairperson of the UPIKS Faculty of Medicine, the Regent, and the Director of the Lamandau Regional General Hospital and their staff.

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Prof. Adiatmika, who in this case represented the Rector in this event, explained briefly about the current existence of Udayana University which is located in two places, namely the Denpasar campus and the Bukit Jimbaran campus, Udayana University currently has 13 Faculties and 1 Postgraduate Program, with 120 Study Programs. Now Unud is improving where all undergraduate programs will be centered on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus.

In implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, one of which is in the field of cooperation, and especially cooperation in the health sector, Udayana University has carried out various collaborations with local governments from various provinces. The collaboration that was built with the Lamandau Regency Government was welcomed by Udayana University, especially by the Faculty of Medicine which is committed to assisting the development of various areas outside the campus, including human resource development and community development in Lamandau Regency.

"Today we have signed an MoU, especially in the Health sector in resident placement, then it will be followed up by signing a technical document, namely the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University and the Lamandau Regional Hospital. We will also encourage other faculties to be able to assist the Lamandau Regency Government in various fields, as long as the government can cooperate with them," emphasized Prof. Adiatmika.

Meanwhile, the Regent of the Local Government of Lamandau Regency H. Hendra Lesmana expressed his gratitude to Udayana University who with open arms accepted the request for cooperation from the Local Government of Lamandau Regency, especially at this time what is really needed is cooperation in the field of health related to the placement of specialist doctors at home. general hospital in Lamandau Regency.

"The hope is of course that this collaboration will be carried out on an ongoing basis and also related to improving medical education in Lamandau Regency. In addition, if there are doctors from the Lamandau Regency Government who wish to continue their studies at Udayana University, it is hoped that in the future there will also be collaboration in sending human resources for further study to Udayana University, in order to increase the capacity of human resources in the health sector," said the Regent of Lamandau.