Growing Student Motivation to Become Entrepreneurs, Udayana University Holds MBKM Internship Socialization

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held a Socialization of the "Pepito Internship Program" Internship Program in collaboration with PT Sentral Retailindo Dewata (Pepito Supermarket) which took place in the Nusantara Room Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (3/3/2023). The socialization was opened by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau representing the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs by presenting a guest speaker, Ronald K. Kumowal GM. Human Capital - Legal & GA and I Gst Ngurah Bagus Tirta A. Legal Manager of PT Sentral Retailindo Dewata.

Head of Student Affairs Bureau Drs. I Ketut Kartika in his speech conveyed the purpose of this socialization to improve learning for students to introduce real jobs, which cannot be learned from theory. Now is a very good opportunity designed by the Ministry regarding the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program, so that younger students know the real work. Through this socialization it is also hoped that it can foster student motivation to become an entrepreneur. This is in line with the demands made by the Ministry related to IKU-2 which mandates students to be able to carry out activities outside the campus, to be able to create their own jobs. It is hoped that students' minds can develop through this activity, which is open to all majors and has the same opportunity to take part in the MBKM program.

The socialization began with a presentation about the Certified Independent Internship program delivered by the Head of the MBKM Unud Unit, Dr. I Ketut Sardiana. This program aims to form work-ready students who have competencies in accordance with the needs of the world of work by equipping them with the knowledge and skills acquired outside of higher education during their studies.

Meanwhile GM Human Capital - Legal & GA Ronald K. Kumowal expressed his gratitude to Udayana University as the organizer of the MBKM program which is a very good national program for those in the business world, because it is undeniable that the business world needs qualified manpower, sourced from qualified college as well.

"Technically, the MBKM program has rules, we adjust ourselves and what is clear is that students who take part in MBKM at Pepito Gruop will get credit according to the provisions, then we will prepare qualified mentors, so that they don't just work but get learning, they change hours. study by working, so we will provide that, so that this program brings goodness not only to Udayana University, but to Pepito and of course to the students themselves," he said.