Enchantment of Udayana University Opens Collaboration Opportunities with Tsinghua University and HMECC of the China-Asia Economic Development Association

Opportunities for international cooperation have returned to Udayana University (Unud). After receiving an invitation from Nanchang University to collaborate in the context of academic development, cultural exchanges, and increasing tourism, now an offer of cooperation has come from The Health and Medical Exchange Cooperation Committee (HMECC) of the China-Asia Economic Development Association by collaborating with The First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and also Tianjin Research Institute for Advanced Equipment, Tsinghua University. Located in Lushan, Tuesday (28/02/23), an Initial Signing Ceremony was held which was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes along with other delegations and the leadership of HMECC and Tsinghua University.

Mr. Yang Guanglin, Chairman of The Health and Medical Exchange Cooperation Committee (HMECC) of the China-Asia Economic Development Association opened the event by explaining that the committee he leads is a professional committee in the medical and health fields with the mission "Bridge for Health·Diversity in Unity " and is committed to building an international exchange platform for the medical and health industry, and to promoting exchange within the medical industry in various countries. The China-Asia Economic Development Association is a national social organization established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

Cooperation in the form of integration of learning, research, production, sales and investment will certainly contribute to promoting friendship between the people of China and Indonesia and enhancing the medical and public health industries in Indonesia.

On the same occasion, Vice Dean of The First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr. Zhao Qiang tells the history of the first teaching hospital which was founded in 1954 and is the oldest traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Tianjin and the largest in North China, the National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Output Hospital of National Regional Medical Center Construction , and a national medical center in the field of counselling. Mr. Zhao Qiang hopes that the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a traditional Chinese cultural heritage derived from thousands of years of civilization, can be of benefit to the Indonesian people in improving and protecting public health, and creating new ways to improve quality of life.

Representative of the Research Department of Tianjin Research Institute for Advanced Equipment, Tsinghua University, Mr. Feng Libin thanked HMECC for meeting Udayana University which has affiliations with many hospitals. He hopes that, together with Udayana University, he can explore new models in terms of international medical engineering integration, engineering masters training and scientific and technological cooperation.

Vice Rector Prof. Adiatmika representing the Rector and even the academic community of Udayana University appreciates and welcomes this offer of international cooperation. This meeting is a continuation of Mr.'s initial meeting. Yan Guanglin, who previously visited Udayana University, offered the idea of ​​collaboration with Udayana University. Based on the communication between the two parties, the MoU has been drafted but still needs to be perfected and in this meeting it was discussed in more depth regarding cooperation opportunities that are based on the health sector but do not rule out the possibility that later it will also involve other fields such as engineering and tourism because they are related to medical equipment and medical tourism.

Prior to the signing of the initial phase of the collaboration, discussions were held in detail regarding points of cooperation and other opportunities that could be developed through this collaboration. This meeting is a good start for new cooperation to be carried out which further bridges relations between China and Indonesia and benefits society.