Fulfilling the Invitation, Nanchang University Warmly Welcomed the Arrival of the Udayana University Delegation

(Nanchang, 26/2/23) The Delegation of Udayana University (Unud) under the leadership of the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information arrived at Nanchang University, People's Republic of China (PRC) on Sunday (26/2) and was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Director of International Exchange College Nanchang University and his staff.

Also present as representatives of the delegation of Udayana University, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Coordinator of the Office of International Affairs, Director of the PRC Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI), Vice Dean of General Affairs and Finance of the Faculty of Tourism, Spokesperson for the Rector, Assistant Director of TCI Unud, and lecturers of the Faculty of Tourism in charge answer the double degree program of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University with Nanchang University.

The arrival of the Udayana University delegation was in the context of fulfilling an invitation from Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University which aims to strengthen and develop the collaboration that has existed so far between Udayana University, Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University. The Udayana University delegation will attend several important agendas that have been prepared by Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University, including the Annual Council Meeting, Board Meeting, and the signing of the MoU between Udayana University, Nanchang University and Nanchang Normal University.