Udayana University Promotes 2023 Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program

Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held the 2023 Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) Socialization at the Nation Room of the Bukit Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building. Tuesday, (14/2/23). The socialization was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs who on this occasion was represented by Drs. I Wayan Santiasa Head of the Center for Student Achievement and Creativity of Udayana University.

On this occasion, Drs. I Wayan Satiasa said that students as administrators of ormawa in Unud must know the functions and duties of ormawa. Ormawa has an extraordinary task, including being able to explore the potential of students from each field in the ormawa itself, both in BEM, DPM, UKM, BSO and others. After exploring their own potential, students can devote what potential they have in the community to be able to build, empower people in the village which will be futuristically able to realize the development of our nation.

By carrying out this socialization, it is hoped that later students will be able to make and compile proposals that will be offered where in the proposal the main thing is how students explain later the potential in each ormawa, the potential in each village and connect and match between the potential of ormawa and the potential of the village so that later the estuary is to empower the community, build villages which in the end are for the welfare of the nation. "Thus there will be the term fostered village, so PPK ormawa is how students provide motivation to the people in the village so that people can think forward, can be independent, and not dependent, this is the main goal," said Santiasa.